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Squawkbox 4 RELEASED

Jay Kae

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Yup yup and no buggerising around with 2 seperate programs either, if you guys only knew what dramas FSInn has caused me/us in another beta causing a delay in development time, you would be spewing with FSInn like I am ;) It is great if you like FSInn Mozz but nothing beats the simple interface of SB and how light it is on system resources

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Is it possible to run FSinn and SB4 at the same time? I've got a successful installation of FSinn and it has a pretty good system with a little radar screen, 2 comms and a private channel taht can be all monitored simultaneously,  and aircraft repository that I'd like to keep. Would be good though if I could communicate with the folks on FSinn SB4 simultaneouly. Does that sound feasible?

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Not as far as I am aware squeeker it causes conflicts,  Iv'e never been able to get the radios to run and work as I believe they should in SB3 where FSINN everything runs from the cockpit without even seeing anything else on screen.

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This is my post from the VOZ forum..

"I have been pratting about with the various releases of FSInn for months now, annoying the crap out of any ATC that I got close to, so long in fact that I have forgotten how to fly in vatsim.. I never did get it to work properly..

I DL SB4 this A.M, and everything works a treat.... whooohooo I am back online.. Up yours FSInn..Teecee."

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Proper happy about this, I've just thrown SB4 on for my first steps onto VatSim! (I've always been an IVAO flier) and there were too many reported weird little issues with things I run for me to go with FSCopilot/FSINN.

I'm looking forward to meeting some Aus/NZ ATC, given that we don't really have any in IVAO when I've looked.

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Who hoo now i can go back online. Fsinn has never agrred with me and its been over a year since i started using fsx


I have wanted to fly online for awhile but FSInn kept causing me grief (well known simconnect issues) so I am looking forward to giving SB4 a go. I am a bit nervous about being on VATSIM though, I currently only fly around my little CTAF ® field. 

Remembering this is the first beta though so I guess we should expect a bit of pain for awhile!


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Who hoo now i can go back online. Fsinn has never agrred with me and its been over a year since i started using fsx


I have wanted to fly online for awhile but FSInn kept causing me grief (well known simconnect issues) so I am looking forward to giving SB4 a go. I am a bit nervous about being on VATSIM though, I currently only fly around my little CTAF ® field. 

Remembering this is the first beta though so I guess we should expect a bit of pain for awhile!


Steven, you should jump on the weekly VATPAC flights organised by Paul Phibbs (Friday nights and Sunday Arvos), it's good fun and mistakes are fine!! Paul mails out a set of charts and other useful goodies that make the preparation a piece of cake. The flights have really helpful friendly folks with a mix of real world and sim pilots.. I hear there's an upcoming series of "Radio Training Events" to get you up to speed too. Keep checking Paul's weekly posts on this forum. eg http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=4588.0

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Oh Jay I forgot to tell you that SB is infact 3 programs using a common installer,

Probly like IE v FF I spose, I just like to get in the cockpit and fly without stuffing about ie when I switch the radio I know with FSINN that the correct freq is running for the given area.

I may look at SB4 and see how much it has improved,

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Maurice, SB4 is the same as SB3 in terms of functionality. The only difference is that it integrates with FSX.

I've been testing it because I've had problems with FSInn. SB4 works with FSX, but I'm not happy with several aspects:

1. There is no automatic sync between a CTAF or Unicom frequency on the radio stack with the corresponding voice room. You have to set up a voice-room independent of the Com frequency. In FSInn, it is automatic, and you can use a private voice-room at the same time.

2. Online traffic in SB4 is very jerky and quite annoying. I've tried a few different settings of the update interval but to no avail. With FSInn traffic is very smooth and realistic.

3. The aircraft database in SB4 seems much more limited than in FSInn, so that a lot of traffic defaults to a huge grey triangle. Pretty ugly.

4. SB4 has very basic functionality, e.g. it doesn't have the handy traffic radar that FSInn does.

In summary, I wouldn't be happy flying online with SB4 in its current state. I'm not totally happy with FSInn either, but having seen the limitations of SB4 I'm going to persist with FSInn and I'm working with one of the more experienced VATPAC fliers to try to configure it to be more stable. I'm told it can be done.

FSInn for FSX has been in beta for about 18 months now, and it's not clear whether it will be developed further. It's a pity with all the work that has gone into establishing VATSIM servers and ATC clients that the pilot clients aren't attracting the development effort is needed to get them to a robust state.


Have you tried disabling Active Sky and TrackIR? I've heard that in combination they can cause conflicts (with FSInn), so it might be worth trying SB4 without them and working up from there.


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Thanks m8 i managed to get it SB4 running last night but with some sort of C++ error  every now and then but if you ignore it you can stay connected.

Still got some bugs to get through but its still nice to be able to get onto the vatsim network.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just some info for all

FSFDT Software is only in Beta still due to the Weather Engine not being completed.  This simply means you have to disable FSInn Weather and fly using real time etc etc.

We can’t be too mean to this freeware developer for the simple fact HiFi’s payware ASX can’t get it right either (Still have to use FSUIPC with it)

This then causes more issues as FSUIPC WILL conflict with FSX SimConnect depending on what software you are running and at what level/allocation the control stack is loaded and what gate etc.

Unfortunately for FSX users we will have to wait until someone can get it right without the requirement of using FS9 engineered software.

Anyhoo, back on topic, most problems I have helped people with regarding FSFDT software issues usually come down to the following;

The wrong Version has been loaded for the FS Platform

FSInn/FSCopilot has been incorrectly configured

dll.xml file has been incorrectly modified

FSCopilot loaded in the wrong order with FSInn

FSX.cfg file has been incorrectly modified

FSUIPC is installed

FS9 Add-on’s have been installed

FS9 aircraft have been installed

Non FSX Scenery packages or fixes have been installed (FS9 modified ones).

As you can see there are quite a few things that have to be looked at before you condemn a piece of software and 99 times out of 100 you will find something else is the problem.

And oh yer…â€RTFM† It will help you out no end…ROFL

As far as the program of choice I would suggest it is as easy as this.

If you have a Holden, you get SB value.  If you have a BMW you have FSFDT Value.

BTW, I’m a Ford man myself…lol

Hope this helps


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