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CEN4 High River installed ok! but looks strange in the products report

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Hello Guy's and thanks for this very nice freebie airport in Canada :)

Noobie question now, but I have just checked my CEN4 airfield with the FTX Central products instaled feature and it look's like this? (Please see screenshot)

Is this normal or did I screw up the installer some how?

Also how do I change the seasons as It looks like there is no control panel for this airport?

Posted Image

Cheer's and thanks...Graham...

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Hi Graham,

CEN4 is a freeware airport and that doesn't come with a control panel.

the list with all the versions is a typo, it should read => FTX CAN CEN4 HIGH RIVER REGIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 1.00

it also illustrates the amount of building by Vlad and testing by the Team with all the versions ;)

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Hi Graham,

CEN4 is a freeware airport and that doesn't come with a control panel.

the list with all the versions is a typo, it should read => FTX CAN CEN4 HIGH RIVER REGIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 1.00

it also illustrates the amount of building by Vlad and testing by the Team with all the versions ;)

Thanks Wolter.

in that case should I delete and then re-install CEN4 ? and will that get rid of the typo error?

Thanks again...Graham...

PS: Could you sort out the title of this topic, because it look's like I made a typo myself "LOL" :D

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Ahh something that slipped through testing :)

The versions.txt are found here: FSX\ORBX\User Documents\Versions

For now you can just delete the surplus ones to prevent them from showing in FTXcentral, in a future patch we will remove those

Thanks Tim.

That has fixed the typo problem, I just have "FTXCAN CEN4 HIGH RIVER REGIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 1.00" showing now. :)

Please close this thread.


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