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Hi I have installed the above demos as instructed,the airport YPJT has no scenery like shown on the site just bare huts and the FTX NA puts me in the middle of a housing complex on a part runway blocked by a big house. My system Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit,Intel® Core ™i5CPU 750 @2.67Ghz .2.67Ghz, 4 GB Ram. any Ideas please .Thanks

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Ok then why show it as demo ,because its there in my scenery fx files and I got ir wrong its this scenery that puts me on a part take off strip and right in front of me is a big building and loads of others arround me ?

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Hi chas,

If you have downloaded the PNW demo, this covers the Olympic peninsular in Washington, try starting from KHQM

If you have downloaded the Tasmania Demo, this covers the Island of Tasmania only, try starting at YMLT

As for YJPT Jandakot, this is a payware addon airport which you can purchase from here: http://www.flightsim...products_id=823 , if you have already purchased it you will need to provide proof of purchase for support of a payware product, more info here on that: http://www.orbxsyste...ig-for-support/

Other than that I am lost as to what the problem is?



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Sorry about the YJPT I got it wrong thought it was a demo, but I have downloaded the demo PNW and thought it states its in the scenery libary of FX Its there I cant find it using the KHQM it shows nothing for that ID ?

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