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Carenado C337H around Bowerman


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Phil, I got the 337 earlier, found a few things I'm not happy about, but hopefully they'll get fixed. No brakes on the right rudder pedal, very hard to taxi right and use the brake at the same time on the left pedal, very alien :D The autopilot is a complete waste of time, engage one thing and another disengages, very hard to use. The GPS is too bright on my system for some reason, but that can be edited.

Apart from that yeah, it flies quite well, looks better than I thought, and I might use it more often once it's fixed.

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Awesome Tony, glad you got it, :D

I didn’t notice about the brakes, I usually only ever brake in a straight line, plus I don’t have pedals so I just use the main brake key.

The auto pilot, it’s located in a bad place, the default view cuts through the auto pilot panel, but it’s no problem, plus when I get around to getting ezdok, it’ll be problem solved.

I only engaged the AP once and it was capture and hold, so I’ll have to look into it more to see what it can and can’t do.

I think I’ll be flying this for quite some time ;)

And thanks guys for all your comments :D

cheers Phil

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