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Effect failure


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I'm not sure, wheather I am right in this part of the forum.

I have effect problems - I'd like to post some screenshots, but I can't load them at OZx Image Hosting up - try it again later. The effects are not shown in any time, for example the waterfall at Fall City, the smoke during the starting procedure, while taxiing on grass, or the chimney at Bowerman. It looks always like in this thread of the A2A forum http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=new_post&f=15 (scroll a bit down)

That's why I made a backup of my two fx_contrail files after a fresh fsx installation. I restored them, but the problem is still existing.

Is there any other solution than reinstall the whole fsx?

P.S.: I experied this the first time after the Bowerman installation.

Thanks and regards,


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Don't use the factory chimney at Bowerman as a guide to whether your effects are working or not, as its a little unreliable, showing for some and not for others...

However you should see smoke from the little chimneys at the airport from October through to April

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Thanks, for your hints:

The advanced animation option is still ticked

The examples were examples of course, I am talking about the fx files in the effext folder, which - I think - are corrupt, let me post a screenshot:

Posted Image


Posted Image

You see, the effects are shown in black transparent squares only.

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Yes that is a missing effect/texture, sometimes happens with 3rd party aircraft-uninstallers, whereby the item replaces/improves a default effect, and when the uninstaller is used it deletes it for good

Wolter has a post somewhere on the forums with a default FSX effects folder attached which would fix this....if only I could work the search function today I might find it... Wolter?

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Hi Felix,

I'm digging where I left it ................................................ :ph34r:

OK I've made a new one for you :)

make a backup of your current effects folder by renaming it to Effects.old, unzipp the attached one into it's own folder and plaster in your Main fsX folder, probably you have to copy from the .old folder your effects to the new one for addon aircraft you may have installed.

when copying over from the old folder do not let them overwrite any files in the new folder as you could be importing a corrupt effects file again in to it when and done and happy all works, toss the .old one


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