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After a bit of whinging and seeking feedback on an installation problem, I have installed the Tassie demo. It contains some advise for how to best set up FSX...just what I needed. Behold! I have Orbx products working! Very pleased indeed. I thank those that were interested and helped along the way, Wolter and Ian, for their valuable feedback.

Let's fly a bit, enjoy the scenery, and consider looking into the payware products, hum?


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I'm not sure if the Demo includes the Flinders Island area, but in my opinion, it alone could justify you going out and buying the full deal immediately. I have just spent an enchanting few days (FSX) flying around Flinders Island itself and the outlying smaller islands scattered around it. The combination of the OrbX textures, Holgermesh, and OzX freeware landing strips was an absolute delight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been great flying around Tassie now with everything operating correctly. Sometime later I went to a different airport-- Skagway, Alaska. I'd forgotten how elementary the FSX regular scenery appears!

Question: If I add airports at this point does it mess up libraries, etc? I know there is a preferred order of installation...just not sure how critical the order is.


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