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Canadian Forces Air Command is being renamed back to the RCAF

Matthew Kane

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Back in 1968 the Canadian Government disbanded the Royal Canadian Airforce and has been known as the Canadian Forces Air Command from 1975 and on. This was a decision I never agreed with. It was just announced this week that the Canadian Government will be changing the name back to the Royal Canadian Airforce (RCAF).

Both my Grandfathers served with the RCAF, one as a Spitfire Pilot and the other was a Navigator/Gunner in the Lancaster. Both where very lucky to have survived the war. I for one support the old traditions being reinstated in honour of those who served and the fallen.

Also announced is the Canadian Forces Maritime Command will also be renamed back to the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN).

The Canadian Land Force Command will be renamed as the Canadian Army. This kind of goes along with the British Army as in the UK they have the Royal Airforce, Royal Navy and the British Army. Canada is going back to it's CommonWealth Traditions.

So looks like their will be some repaints required in FSX for some of these Canadian Assets as the new RCAF starts to re-brand its image...I notice they've already updated the website:


Cheers :D

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My-oh-my! A significantly positive event, from my perspective. I spent 35 years in our Canadian Military, and always hoped to see it return to the pre-Hellyer state, before so much tradition was wiped-out.

Brings a tear to the eye, now, after all these years.

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My-oh-my! A significantly positive event, from my perspective. I spent 35 years in our Canadian Military, and always hoped to see it return to the pre-Hellyer state, before so much tradition was wiped-out.

Brings a tear to the eye, now, after all these years.

And it is amazing that Hellyer himself has gone public already expressing his 'disappointment' and saying it is 'really moving backward'. He had the chance to restructure the funding of the armed forces back in 1968 without removing any of the traditions. That was his mistake and his legacy. We can now finally erase this mistake and move forward as a nation.

Cheers :D

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Well, mmm...I'm not impressed at all. I have served in the Forces for 10yrs(retired). Yes you can retire at 41. Anyways I'm not British and have nothing to do with England, nor does our country. I've known about this for a while and expressed my concern to my Regiment. Believe it or not our soldiers in the past 40yrs have made a name for themselves and there was no King or Queen with them in the battles that have been fought by our CANADIAN soldiers. I am a Canadian and I have bled for my Canada. Oh and yes we pay tribute to the Queen but we do not fight for her. There was a time for King and Queen when Canada was young, but they are only icons and not insperation any more. The time of monarchies and dictators are at an end, the people are who we stand by and for. We fight for whats right and good in this world, not for rulers or power. I will always be a Canadian Forces Soldier.

ps: Sorry if I offended anyone.

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