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Recieved CRM DVD but it is in a paper sleeve


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First I should say that I'm unsure that this is the correct place to ask this. If there is an e-mail address I should contact let me know, then I can supply invoice number or what ever information you may need.

My new CRM DVD has arrived today but it is not in the nice plastic box with the pretty art and all like I got with my Australia sp3 DVD. It is in a paper sleeve. I don't want to sound petty, but I am a little puzzled.

Also while I was waiting for the disk to arrive I began wondering if there is some kind of "upgrade fee" for my previous Orbx downloads to purchase the DVD's with box art. I've decided that I want to take a more premium approach to Orbx products from now on being that they of such high quality and attitude of your staff is exceptional.


Brian Lorenz

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Hi Brian,

sorry to hear about the confusion but the way I understand it there are two DVD options for each product: the "fancy" one with the regular box and special cover art and a simple backup of the download version. Looks like you've chosen the latter option (by mistake?) when you've made your order; perhaps check back with FSS to find out whether it was a mix-up or whether there are options to change the order. In any case the "fancy" CRM DVD isn't available yet.

Cheers, Holger

P.S.: for support of your payware products in this forum please add your order number to your signature; see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/1157-important-notice-please-add-your-order-to-your-sig-for-support/

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OK thanks Holger,

Order Number: 115396

I'm getting a new computer for FS, so as of now I'm on my tiny,tiny notebook so some websites are hard for me to read. So if I understand you correctly I need to go the flightsim store and fix this(I'm sure it's probably my mistake), correct?. I just can't follow there site with my old eyes and my tiny screen. That will not be problem for me by Monday - new computer will be running.

Thank You

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