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New toy - teaser

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G'day all,

So I finally broke and got the iFly 737NG after reading so many good things on here from many of you. Gota say, I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with it so far, but it's only been a few days and I'm sure it'll grow on me. It looks amazing, it sounds awesome, but many of the VC controls are non-intuitive. Flicking switches and turning knobs should be much easier than how iFly make it. Why-oh-why can't they have enabled mousewheel turning for the knobs. You can use the mouse wheel, but it only increments/decrements the knob depending on which side you're on! Same for switches. It's driving me spare after so many hours in extremely well thought out aircraft like the PMDG JS41. But enough griping about controls, you're here to see screenies :lol:

This is my first successful take-off after a cold-and-dark startup, flying a route that is etched into my bones - QFA1063 from Kalgoorlie to Perth. Only had time to grab a couple of screens as I was far too busy trying to follow checklists and the tutorial, but here they are. Weather, as always, was real and provided by REX.

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Lined up for takeoff on runway 11... I don't think I've forgotten anything this time :lol:

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Climbing out, happily following the flightplan after turning back to the west.

And that's it for now. More to come soon once I come to grips with this beast a little better.



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New toys are great!! ..may never get this one.

Theres been a bit of photoshoping here ? ...anyway,nice shots.

There's always some editing on my screenies! At least - I fix the colour balance, and edit contrast/brightness/hue for visual effect. I also sometimes add a little light noise and some film grain and distortion for a more "photographic" image. Looking at that second image, I think I went overboard on the noise though... I might have another crack at that one.

Nice Shots, so is the iFly 737NG the best 737?

Cheers Phil :)

Can't really accurately comment, it's the only 737 I have apart from the FSX default. It seems nice to fly and has great systems, but the mouse click zones are terrible in the VC, and I have no idea who's idea it was not to properly utilise the mousewheel for knobs and switches but I spent most of yesterday loudly cursing them. I have to assume the PMDG one will cream this version, but I got sick of waiting - and I'll keep my further opinions on that topic in check thankyou very much. I think this one will grow on me, but at the moment as far as small tubes go I think I prefer the Aerosoft Airbus.



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Congrats with your new 737 Derek. I totally agree with you on the mouse-knob-turning thing and that is also one of the reasons I got the Fs2Crew voice edition.Last night came SP 1.02, check it out - 470 MB. The click spots have been improved very much on the MCP.

Nice screenies by way. I will be looking for more from you. :)



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  • 8 months later...


Yeah, am liking version 2 better too. v1 was a tad gloomy, v2 be nice & bright. 8)

Nicely done, Derek, have fun learning that complex wonder. After learning much of PMDG's

747, am presently rather reluctant to go after another deeply procedural simulation for a while.


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