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Majestic Q300


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This seems more than a little trivial given the news of JV and his surgery.

However, I wonder whether any of you have decided to buy or are flying the Majestic Dash 8 now on sale.

The graphics look to be FS9 so this is likely to be a ported version to whet our appetite for the Q400 whenever it is complete. However it is fully featured, with a HGS (at a price) therefore it would be a good teacher. Also of course in Australia QantasLink is the dominant connecting airline, although a lot of Saabs (Rex), and a handful of Jetstreams are in use as well.

I'd love to hear any comment you may have on this add-on.

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I always wanted to get my hands on a good working Dash 8 and I decided I would wait for the PMDG model.

The team that did the BAE JS4100 is working on a Dash 8. The team that is working on the B737 is working on a 777 next.

I like the PMDG JS4100 so I will wait for them to do a Dash 8.

Cheers :D

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YTZ - I would buy everything from PMDG if they would only get things finished. They will really have to have a superb, outstanding, 737 to be better than the recent iFly version. If they can give us the same with better frames great. But when the Dash 8 and 777 turn up, we will only know when it happens. The top range of the Majestic Software is actually used in pilot training for the real world, and comes with an instructor panel to create failures. However this costs in the hundreds whereas the best version for simmers seems to be the $69 product.

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I've got it Ian, but rarely fly it. I got the less expensive, pilot version that doesn't have all the bells and whistles. It's an FS9 port and looks it... very very dated. The VC is awful, and the exterior is nothing to really get excited about. I'll post some screenies if you like. That said, it does fly well and seems to be modelled very realistically, so it is good in that regard. It should also be noted that the HGS system is only available in the 2d cockpit, not the VC, and you need at least the Pro edition to use it at all. I bought it because I love the Dash-8, I fly in them pretty much every other week going to one minesite or another, and wanted something to do those regional flights in. The Dash is hands down my favourite regional people mover. These days I use the JS41 for that purpose, it's much more pleasing on the eye and equally as well modelled.

As for waiting for the PMDG version? No way. I'll get it when it comes out - but I'm guessing we'll all be flying MS Flight long before that happens. So for Dash-8 goodness we're kinda stuck with the Majestic. There is a freeware one kicking about, I can't remember where I got it but it doesn't play well with my FSX.



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If I recall... there's a merge for the Fanda/Majestic Dash 8 with the Dreamwings models... This was for FS9 and it was finicky on that but I remember I got my Fanda Dash 8-300 working with the Dreamwings stuff. It looked a lot nicer. It'd take dedication to sort it out but if you can find the instructions it should be fairly similar since the Majestic Dash 8 is the freeware Fanda Dash 8 with new visuals.

Might be worth a shot for somebody who desperately wants a nice looking Dash 8

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I donno why the called it "new"; I saw that somewhere, thing is old very very old and it looks awful, I own it.

+1 really old fs9 like panel.. back in the days it was good, but you will now be bitterly dissapointed if you buy it now

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This seems more than a little trivial given the news of JV and his surgery.

However, I wonder whether any of you have decided to buy or are flying the Majestic Dash 8 now on sale.

The graphics look to be FS9 so this is likely to be a ported version to whet our appetite for the Q400 whenever it is complete. However it is fully featured, with a HGS (at a price) therefore it would be a good teacher. Also of course in Australia QantasLink is the dominant connecting airline, although a lot of Saabs (Rex), and a handful of Jetstreams are in use as well.

I'd love to hear any comment you may have on this add-on.


I fly the Majestic Dash8 and like it.. I posted some pics earlier of a flight I did here http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/34674-flight-from-terrace-to-bronson-creek/ but kinda messed up the way I uploaded them so you have to go down a few posts to see them all


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