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Voyager announced


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And I thought the Vulcan was huge!!


This may be just an Ex-RAF corporal ranting and being cynical, but considering how many jets the RAF has recently mothballed or given away, they're not going to have anything left... what's the point of an air to air refueller?!!

Ok... Rant over...

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This may be just an Ex-RAF corporal ranting and being cynical, but considering how many jets the RAF has recently mothballed or given away, they're not going to have anything left... what's the point of an air to air refueller?!!

Ok... Rant over...

The full passenger and cargo capability can be used while the A330-200 is configured for AAR operations. The cabin remains fully configured and the cargo compartments are unobstructed. On a typical deployment across the Atlantic, a single A330 would be able to refuel 4 Tornados and still carry 11,000lb (5000kg) of freight/passengers.

But look, it can refuel all four of our Tornados :D

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I think it's a win win for the RAF being a multi-role platform. It will probably have a delivery time just before the F-35's so they will go well together.

Everyone likes to criticize their armed forces but you guys can move to New Zealand where their are no jets. ;)

Cheers :D

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I think it's a win win for the RAF being a multi-role platform. It will probably have a delivery time just before the F-35's so they will go well together.

Everyone likes to criticize their armed forces but you guys can move to New Zealand where their are no jets. ;)

Cheers :D

Yeah... Just watching them dispose of all those perfectly good Harriers and Tornados (before they realised they still needed them) gets me riled up a little... I all fairness, I still think the RAF is a top notch fighting force, but with the current UK government sticking it's fingers into things it knows nothing about, it's not what it used to be... Relying on the Typhoon (still technically in development) and the F-35 (not even in service yet) at the expense of it's existing fleet seems a little short sighted especially in today's world.

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I think the F-35 will prove as costly to nations like UK, Canada, Australia, etc as the F-22 program proved costly for the USA. I think the Aussies got it right in purchasing the new F-18 Super Hornets. You can get 2 of those for the price of one F-35. Their has already been a lot of controversy in Canada over the costs of the F-35.

This Voyager looks like a good investment for the UK from my POV

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Voyager looks like a good investment for the UK from my POV

Oh dear. The only people that Voyager - bl**dy stupid name - is a good investment for is the Air Tanker board members and some shareholders, mostly the bankers. This aircraft is not "owned" by the UK. It will be provided to the MoD on a lease arrangement - Private Finance Initiative (PFI). This means the hours available will be capped. If a "situation" arises that requires additional AAR support hours, e.g., Libya, those additional hours will cost... a LOT!!

As the aircraft is not "owned" by the MoD, any enhancements - modifications, alterations, etc., will need to be approved by the Air Tanker consortium and will cost... a LOT!! Therefore, the suggestion recently by the RAF Chief of Air Staff that Voyager could be enhanced to provide a supplementary Electronic Intelligence role is a none starter.

Add to that the fact that there is provision in the contract for Air Tanker to sub-lease aircraft not immediately required for their primary role to other organisations, e.g., holiday charter airlines, and that those aircraft will have the AAR kit removed and may not be available to meet an increased AAR tasking requirement, and you have an interesting situation. This will mostly apply to the first 7/8 "2 point" tankers rather than the later "3 point" tankers. The first "2 pointer" - under wing hose pods only - is due for delivery to BZN on October 31 this year. The first "3 pointers" - two under wing pods and a hose drum unit (HDU) in the rear under-fuselage area (not easily removable) - are not due until 2015(?).

There are many other issues concerning this aircraft and the way it will be (allowed to be) used. It is not good value for the Royal Air Force, nor for the UK taxpayer.

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