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Hi guys.

I have read some freeware forums about this topic but i am confussed?

I downloaded Lilydale airport but i can not find Coldstream airport anywhere? In the forums there is write up about something to do with Beta V2.0? I can not seem to find it either? What am i doing wrong or if someone could help me out that would be fantastic.

Here is an example of a previous forum text:

"Hello Bruce,

In the meantime I found in the Forum-section the bêtaversion department with the updateversions of Lilydale.

So no need to reply anymore.



Where can i find this "betaversion department"?

Thank you.


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We had a public beta for testing which no longer available. YLIL 2.0 includes Coldstream but the team working on it have other projects to finish and then they'll get back to it.

In the meantime, you have YLIL v1.5 which is a fun airport!

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