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free cyyj


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Hi all, I found this freeware from Don Grovestine Vitoria intl. CYYJ it looks pretty good and it says it is compatible with ORBX; any body here tried it? .. or have any info about installing it one way or another. thanx in advance for your collective knowledge !

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Hi David,

there's a difference between the landscape add-on Victoria+ (which includes an earlier version of Don's CYYJ) and the stand-alone CYYJ mentioned in this thread. There's no compatibility issue with the latter and PNW or any of its add-on airports.

Cheers, Holger

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Hi Dave, I had the same issue between KORS and Victoria+. What I did is I went in and removed all the scenery conflict inside the Victoria+ scenery with KORS and then I moved Victoria+ below all the Orbx scenery and it worked. I have the Vancouver scenery from John and Holger and if I get rid of Victoria+ all my float planes disappear. Give this a try.

Tom B.

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Bonjour Holger,

Yes, I appreciate the difference between the Don Grovestine's standalone VICTORIA AIRPORT CYYJ and his CYYJ within the VICTORIA+ addon. I lost Don's CYYJ when I had to uninstall VICTORIA+ to avoid mes conflicts with ORBX ORCAS ... but got the airport back again with his latest version of CYYJ which seems totally compatible with VANCOUVER+ and PNW.

So now I have installed with no clashes PNW plus VAN+ plus CYYJ plus ORCAS ... just waiting for the upgrade of VIC+ apparently now in preparation?

Bonsoir novabus,

Oh la! ... "going in and removing all scenery conflicts" ... sounds too complicated for me! ...... I'll just wait for the compatible version of VIC+ for my float plane bases ......... !!!!


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