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Orbx download server slow?


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Howdy fellas,

Just trying to re-download the freeware after a new computer build, but the server seems to be capped at 20 kb/s for me.

I am running ADSL 2+ with TPG, and it usually downloads at 400 kb/s + on the ORBX servers, however for the last few weeks I have been retrying every day to see if its going faster, but its just stuck around 20 kb/s.

Is there a problem with the server which would be causing this, or is it my side (I know someone else with TPG having the same issue).



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Have just done a full download of all freeware + support patches etc. For long term storage. Adverage speed around 800Kbs. I use an open source manager (free). You can get it here if you wish:- www.freedownloadmanager.org No adds or any rubbish. Oh, and yes it does run under W7 32/64 bit systems, although it doesn't actually say so. Arnie.

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I just downloaded the Lancair update; it took forever and several retries. I don't think it went above 15K at all. And yet I get 1.1MB consistently on Jay's UK CDN, so there's something screwy somewhere.

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This happened to me once or twice. I clicked the download link again and it worked fine. I'm getting 800kb/sec with telstra bigpond aswell (Ian the internets faster down the road hehe).


I realised later that Mozilla was downloading it at the same time as Getright ... so it was actually even a bit quicker than that!

Still, not locked at 29k/sec

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