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BOB and CPU Power

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Hi again Folks, I was about to ask what BOB was all about and then found a post about it in the forum. OK, I have got to try this!

But before I load it, can you give me some idea of how much cpu it will use up and take away from the flying when you walk to, and get it an airplane? I assume that if you did that, BOB would be running at the same time you're taking off.

I was amazed when I watched a recent FTX Conrete, WA video. I thought that the tour was all part of that add-on's program but now it would seem that BOB was involved.

Here's what I presently have as far as computers go. I have serious plans for building a good Intel, (i7), based system but until then I OC'd my cpu and gpu as far as I could:

HP p6230f (modified)

AMD Phenom IIx4 965BE OC'd to 4.004GHZ (Corsair H50 liquid cool)

ATI Radion HD 5770 GPU OC'd 940MHz/1405MHz

550 watt PSU

I run all my PNW scenery with all sliders full right except for the Autogen Density which I pulled back one notch. The Weather is set to detailed clouds and 80mile radius. I keep it all to a maximum of 32fps as far as the frame rate setting goes. This is how I've been running whenever I'm in the rural areas. Over cities like Seattle you can bet it is a very different story.

So if I run BOB in a rural area like the FTX Orcas Island setting, will it knock me to my knees?

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Thank You Rob. It sure seems like a pretty cool program and I was hoping that it would turn off when in flight, (or at least go into some kind of sleep mode). Well I'm going to load it and give it a shot. It shouldn't be hard to uninstall if I start seeing a significant load on the processors. Thanks again.

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BTW Rob, I have several posts out there and they have all been answered, (except my latest one). I don't see any way to change those to the "Answered" status. Do you know how to do that?

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BTW Rob, I have several posts out there and they have all been answered, (except my latest one). I don't see any way to change those to the "Answered" status. Do you know how to do that?

The forum Mods probably do that, not the posters, I think. :blink:

As for Bob, he's just an airplane that you select like all the others. It has no "panel" because you are looking out of his eyes! B)

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