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Airborne Law Enforcement in Action

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G'day all,

I've been laid up sick at home with the flu for the past few days, and rather than mope around in bed I decided to catch up on some flying! After seeing Dontay's most excellent video of the Pilatus PC12 last week I thought I'd reacquaint myself with this magnificent aircraft. It's one of the first "wokhorse" planes I got when I first got back into FSX a year ago, but I've not really flown it all that much. I never had any repaints for it until just yesterday when, quite by accident, I stumbled on Butch's excellent RAAF, RFDS and WA Police repaints over at OZx. Seeing as I watch the RFDS and Police PC12's take off and land nearly every day from Jandakot I thought I'd fire up the WA Police Force's VH-WPE for an emergency dash down to Albany, departing from Perth International. The following pics are very mildly edited (contrast and hue, and a very light photo-grain and film distortion added). Hope you enjoy as much as I did flying!!

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Reversing course just after takeoff from Runway 03, with a magnificent view of the City of Perth. Lots of recognisable landmarks easily seen here.

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Climbing to cruising altitude somewhere around Serpentine.

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Purring along nicely at 18,000' but there's some weather ahead.

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After a quick call to Melbourne Center, we've climbed up to 22,000' to get into some smoother air.

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After a nice uneventful cruise at 180kts it's time to begin descending towards Albany. Dropping to 9,000' here as we approach the Western end of the Stirling Range.

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A quick snapshot of the Range out of the window as we pass by.

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ATC have decided that the measly 10kt Northerly breeze is too much for me to handle with an ILS approach to Runway 14 so they've gone and vectored me to the East of Albany for a visual approach to Runway 32. Looking back towards Albany over Oyster Harbour here.

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Descending to approach height, 2,200' as we head over the gorgeous Two People's Bay Reserve and into the Bight.

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Looking back towards the township along the coast, and into King George Sound.

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What would one of my posts be without a water shot?

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Making the turn back up into King George Sound to begin our approach

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On approach to Runway 32 and looking up Frenchman's Bay towards the Vancouver Peninsula, the other side of which lies Princess Royal Harbour.

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All lined up on a nice slow final, with a little bit of a starboard lean into the mild crosswind. Still reckon the ILS approach would have been easier. Bloody ATC.

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A Bonus shot!! Took this one while flying from Perth down to Busselton in the evening. Couldn't resist "v'ing" the sunset :P

Right, off to get some more airtime in while I'm home! Comments and Criticisms welcome as always.



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Thanks for the kind comments folks and thanks also for the well wishes. It was, as Mark said, only a dose of "Man-Flu" but it gave me a good excuse to stay home and do what I want for a couple of days. Oh well... back to the old grind. Just hope my sinuses clear before my next flight on Sunday.



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Guest Dontay

Awesome set Derek! Thanks for sharing those! That really made my morning. :lol:

That paint looks great too! Good job Butch!

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