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question about the free a1 traffic addon

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hello to all,just the one question,will this Orbx freeware traffic package affect any of my current addon traffic packages?i also fly overseas alot too,well will it mix together ok?thanks for any replies guys

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There should be no issues at all. The worst that can happen is you may have too many AI aircraft in play at any one time. Best to deselect the FTX AI traffic when flying outside Australia or New Zealand as you will see the International AI aircraft for airlines such as Qantas and Air New Zealand etc. all the way to their respective overseas destinations, ie. London, New York, Singapore etc. Those flights will most likely already be included in your other addon package.

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thanks for your reply graham,i have lots of A1 traffic,does this freeware package come with a control panel so i can reduce the airtraffic? or to reduce the airtraffic would it be wise to do it from the fsx traffic setting area?i have mine set at 50%?thanks.

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thanks again graham for your reply,looks like im going to install this great freeware addon,thanks again for your hard work and Orbx for providing this great addon :)

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