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Flashing Street Lights with Strobe Lights on


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Hi all :-)

I have just a small question :-) When i fly at night, then all street lights starting to flickering / flashing in the same rhythm like the strobe lights. You can see this exremely good, when you fly with the Mooney, because this plane have fast flashing strobe lights. You can see this problem also with other planes, but if you like to test this, it's the best when you take the Mooney and look over the wings, when you fly over a city. I have all service packs installed SP2 for FSX and SP for AUBlue, and i fly only with DX9 Mode. Maybe you can take a look at this :-) Thank you very much for looking into this, and also a very very big thanks for a fantastic scenery product like FTX :-)) I love this scenery every day more :-)

Best regards


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Hi all

Have no one, an idea what this problem can cause? The only way to fix this, is when i switch off the strobe lights, or when i use my TrackIr, that i never look into the direction of the strobe lights. Maybe it's a Nvidia issue, but i tested several drivers, and all have the same problem. Please, if you have an idea how to fix this, or what i can try to fix it, it would be nice if you can give me a small feedback. Thanks.



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Hi there i to have seen this occur, but have no idea why, i suspect it is video card related. The effects we use are no different to any of the FSX effects, meaning there is nothing we have done outside of the sdk to cause this though they are our own fx files so there should be no cross contamination.

On saying that just in the  ast day i have tested this while doing some other tests, but i didnt happen, i have just updated my Nvidea drivers so perhaps its fixed???

I will do some more testing when time permits, but it seems to be only with certain aircraft.

bear with us and i will try to work it out, or atleast say its a FSX or Video bug.

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Hi :-)

Thank you very much, that you look into this :-) I make some testings too. At the moment, i can only say, that all service packs for FSX and FTX are installed, and my Video Card have the newest driver too.

Here is my System:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 3.5 GHz


Nvidia Geforce 8800 Ultra 768MB 175.19 ( I have this problem also with older drivers)

Windows Vista SP1

FSX SP2 with DX 9 Mode



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This tool don't fix my problem :-( The flashing street lights are only visible within the virtual cockpit, and not outside the plane. Looks really like an FSX bug. Looks like i have to fly without lights at night :-( FSX have also a second lighting bug, where you can see all position and strobe lights bleeding throught the wings and cockpit wall, when the plane is above 50 ft from ground. But this is an old problem and no one found a fix for this :-(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this same problem as well.  Running Vista 64 with 169.25's.  I've tried newest drivers too.

Strobe lights don't matter though because the problem occurs with ultra-light or any airplane, strobes on or not.  In a group, residential lighting areas will flash on and off.

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