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[RESOLVED - Install AU_Holgermesh] YMUI: is this correct?

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Hey Lawman!

I'm expierincing it to. I don't have it Aus SP3 yet, but I do have holgermesh, so I think it is because of Aus SP3/4. I'm not sure if you have it, but I think that's the problem. Otherwise I can't help you.



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No, no other mesh is installed, not even the HolgerMesh. I have FTX AU patched with SP4. Never had any problems with Orbx-sceneries before. I did install YMUI with FTX AU active in FTX Central. After I installed YMUI I did install the latest Orbx-libraries.

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Mine looks like Lawman's.  Wolter - yours looks pretty flat.  The real-life pics are very hilly.

I DO get grey rectangles moving in the surf-zone but they may be due to that more-realistic (usually) waves mod.

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Tim (and others), thank you very much for your help 8). Installing the HolgerMesh seems to have fixed the issue. I never did install it before because I was told it had the same resolution as the default mesh for Oz and I never saw any anomalies in FTX AU without it. So, being an optional download, I (wrongly) assumed it wouldn't matter. Guess you're never too old to learn ;D.

@Markwlee: do those rectangles disappear when you deactivate ground shadows? I have one such rectangle around YMUI and several around Dillingham by another publisher if I leave ground shadows enabled. The dev of Dillingham told me it had to do with the default dolphins and it was something Microsoft/Aces broke in Acceleration.

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Hi Lawman -  the grey rectangles are translucent and move in the wavezone so they're probably due to a 3rd party wave mod I have.

I love the mechanic and waiting passenger, Tim.  Also, you've managed to make the forest very realistic and your runway textures are superb.

Wolter - I'll download the latest Holgermesh and see if there's any difference.  I've amalgamated the 9 files I have because one was previously not in an active folder.  Looking at the real islands - perhaps a custom mesh is necessary to get the full ruggedness in the sim.  Bungo?

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Thanks Mark

Custom mesh would be terrific, as it stands I think what we have is the best we got...the STRM 76m, I had to mess around with flattens to get the C shaped island to stop being flat lol

All credit for the animated people goes to Russ White, they are fantastic 

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