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Northern Rockies


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Hey guys I went all out and bought PNW, Fjords, and the Northern Rockies, I installed them in that order, however there is something very wrong with the rockies, its hard to explain, the installer ran very quickly, seemed to fast for 5 gb, then after install I get this message, "Windows cannotfind E:\Program files\MSFS\XORBX\Scripts\FTX Central.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again" It did this for the pnw aswell but I ignored it and the scenery seems to be fine. I go to KFCA and the textures are all messed up, the scenry is light blue and land textures all over the place, the textures that are there don't even look like orbx. After installing the pnw and fjords it but a ftx switch on my desktop so I was assuming it would do the same with the norther rockies but it does not, Im not sure what went wrong or what to do. I use W7 64 my uac is off

Ian Beggs

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One more thing now my ftx switch gives me this message when going between default and NA

Could not complete operation since a file already exists in this path E/program files\ msfs\ scenery\world\scenery\ade_ftx_nrm_01mt_elevation_adjustment.off

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Hey Wolter thanks for the response, I went back installed the sp.003 then the library files, then I ran the NRM again, it still finished with the same error "Windows cannot find E:\Program files\MSFS\XORBX\Scripts\FTX Central.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again" However the NRM scenery seems to be working fine as far as my small testing area is around KFCA, but Im also getting the same message when I run the switch as I posted earlier "Could not complete operation since a file already exists in this path E/program files\ msfs\ scenery\world\scenery\ade_ftx_nrm_01mt_elevation_adjustment.off" I don't know why its doing this. Here is a pic of my scenery lib, I just want to know if you think it looks normal as far as ftx entries.

Posted Image

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Hi Ian

which is the path to your FSX folder ?

In the message that you report there is a strange  E:\Program files\MSFS\XORBX\

The FTX files should be in the subdirectories of an ORBX folder, perhaps you should try to use one of the registry fix for FSX utilities (a good one is at http://www.tweakfs.com/store/free_tools.php)  to correct something that seems wrong

Alternatively you could find your  ..........\ORBX\Scripts\FTX Central.exe  and run that manually to verify that you correctly installed and activated your FTX sceneries


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Sorry I got a little careless with the typing yesterday  :) My path to fsx is E:\Program Files\Microsoft Flight Simulator X and the error I get after install is E:\Program Files\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\FTX Central.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again" I can run the Central.exe just fine and the scenery now seems to be installed correctly as far as I can tell, except when I run the ftx switch Im still getting the message "Could not complete operation since a file already exists in this path E:\Program Files\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ scenery\world\scenery\ade_ftx_nrm_01mt_elevation_adjustment.off" I don't know what this means o1mt is just a small airfield in this region, the only thing I can think of is I use a program called FSE Scenery updater, FSEconmy or fse is a group of GA enthusiasts, users create custom scenery for there FBO's then submit them to the updater, then we all can share these custom fbo sceneries, but we just use rw12 and ezscenery objects to add a bit of spice to these small locations, I have no idea if there is a conflict or not, like I said things seem to be working fine, It just bothers me that I can't figure why this message keeps popping up.

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the error I get after install is E:\Program Files\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\FTX Central.exe. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again"

EDIT the error I get after install is E:\Program Files\Microsoft Flight Simulator XORBX\Scripts\FTX Central.exe notice there is a back slash missing between the Microsoft Flight Simulator X and the ORBX directory. I uninsatalled NRM following the guide, ran a fsx registry repair and reinstalled, ran into the same problem but the reinstall corrected the error  "Could not complete operation since a file already exists in this path E:\Program Files\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ scenery\world\scenery\ade_ftx_nrm_01mt_elevation_adjustment.off" That was causing me a headache because I could not switch back to the default textures in the NRM area, everything would be messed up, so things seem to be in order now, in that regard. Not sure what the problem is with the first error in regards to the missing backslash, a possible problem with the installer? Who knows

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Hi Ian,

For some strange reason only some people have a problem with the missing / , we have double checked the installer and it is correctly using a / in the address, so sorry about that its a little bit of a mystery

If you ever run into the 'could not complete operation because......elevation_adjustment.off' error again the solution is simple:

- Set FTXCentral to [North America] (click ok through the errors)

- Browse to FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery and delete any "ADE_FTX_xxx_xxx_elevation_adjustment.OFF" files

Is everything else running OK now?



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@Helmut: Thanks they are installed but there up just a little higher, I could not fit them in in the screenshot, I just wanted to show all the ftx entries.

@Tim Thanks for the tip Tim, this thread is resolved, everything is working perfect, the addiction begins  ;D amazing work guys.

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