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Anyone want a Turbine Duke?


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Really there is no need for your remarks on this topic regarding others thoughts, Jigsaw and Archie are both very well respected members of this Orbx community.

There entitled to there thoughts just as much as you are but please keep the unpleasantness to yourself.

As for what is and is not expensive only applies to you. I own a gallery and some people walk in to have something framed and think £30 is wayyy to expensive, the next person I see might like a Peter Blake I have on sale and spent £2500.00 without thinking about it.

Everyone has a different idea of what is and what is not expensive. Its not for you or I or anyone to call what someone else thinks is expensive.

Chill these are great forums enjoy them. Glad your enjoying the Duke. I'am passing on this, I have the C340 but personly hate the view from twins. Also I like the A2A Spit to much to fly anything else atm.

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I am just tired of people knocking a great product before they tried it.

I'm not knocking it. It's at least as good as the piston Duke, I'm sure. I'm simply not interested. While I do see the point that telling people why I will not get a certain aircraft doesn't serve a purpose on a first glance, I believe that it might make some people reconsider their urge to get a shiny new toy and maybe regretting it afterwards, as was the case with archie.

Man flight simmers are cheap

I have 40 payware aircraft amounting to over 1,300 USD. Excuse me if I limit myself to buying aircraft that I'd really like to have.  ;D

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A..hem:  now that we have stopped lecturing each other let's talk about the Turbine Duke.  Yes, I paid my money today, and I count it worth it.  Why?  The default Kingair with upgraded navaids and GPS, and a modified airfile is pretty good.  But this is a street ahead,  as Cathy says it climbs like a Spit to 25k. 

For me it fits my needs, as it sits between the faster piston twins and singles, the STOL aircraft like the Caravan and the Kodiak , and the Cessna Citation add-on I have from Eaglesoft.  Before these are the littlies that I love to fly around eastern Australia and the valleys of the PNW and the tubes, despised by some, but a real challenge to manage accurately in the take-off and approach phase - and quite a challenge to make the long ocean voyages without running out of fuel.

But for each of us, it is what we prefer, horses for courses, and nobody can dictate to our taste.

We really do have everything in this sim, the experience is partly what each of us can afford, and what each of us likes to do best.  For me, I like to range across all categories.  But when I get nostalgic I go back to the aircraft I flew IRL, the Navajo, the Cessna 310, the tinny PA 34, and the V-tailed Bonanza.  So for me there is a different plane for each day of the week, and I have many saved flights that allow me to step back into a flight in an airliner and once more do a superb approach, flare and landing.  Not.

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Oh and I forgot to mention, the upgrade does something new, and most welcome.

It leaves the piston Duke in place, and installs the turbine alongside the original.  A neat and welcome trick, you have two for the cost of the upgrade.

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Really, really I didn't know what I said would offend anybody... I thought I was just expressing my opinion about the aircraft and the way some people are critiquing it unfairly.  Apparently my opinion is not worth as much as someone from "the community" here.  I dont think I directly questioned anyones opinion also. I dont think I was "unpleasant" was I? 

I personally do not comment on a thread about a aircraft that I dont have and give my opinion of why I dont want it because I find it useless information to the rest. 

I hope Im not being too "shirtly"? Must be a Aussie thing.  Just being straight forward and honest. If you cant take the heat get outta the kitchen.

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I personally do not comment on a thread about a aircraft that I dont have and give my opinion of why I dont want it because I find it useless information to the rest. 

I hope Im not being too "shirtly"? Must be a Aussie thing.  Just being straight forward and honest. If you cant take the heat get outta the kitchen.

G'day Ryan, 'Shirty' is like 'Antsy', or 'Hot under the collar', 'a bit short tempered', and yes, a distinctly 'Aussie' thing.  Mate (another 'Aussie' thing), I 'DID' buy it, so, yes, like you, I 'AM' entitled to make a comment.  And your "OPINION' is just as welcome here as anybody else!  I can guarantee you that my 'kitchen' is also MUCH hotter than yours right now!  ;)  Now,let's all get back to flying where we belong.

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Yes, yes I do.  I am just tired of people knocking a great product before they tried it.  Also why are people complaining that the upgrade is expensive? $35 is expensive. Thats cheaper than a tank of gas for my WRX.  Man flight simmers are cheap... You would keel over if you knew what I payed for my RC stuff.

Yep I gave up on the (expensive) RC hobby years ago because 1) I didn't like loosing a years work because of a gust of wind and 2) I got paranoid about developing cataracts 3) I got my pilots license and 4) FSX is way cheaper than all of the above while providing a fairly authentic flight experience.  Plus I'm a geek.

On the other hand if I was wealthy I would build a Lancair IVP and fly all over the place but unfortunately reality is getting in the way so how about a shiney new Duke Turbine - just add a little imagination.



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After about 5 hours of flying the Turbine Duke and with a little frustration getting use to flying a Turbine in FSX, I have to say I really like this aircraft. It's like a twin engine orbx Lancair  ::)

Great fun to fly and with the added features with "real engine" setting it really adds more reality to flying in FSX.



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There is a good RC Flight program for the computer :) BTW the Turbine Duke is, properly the "Royal Duke"

My sarcastic friend used to say "you then have a simulation of a simulation!"  LOL


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Cathy:  I must say that HRH the Duke sure climbs past 25k like a Spitfire, but after that height you'd better be carrying oxygen to breathe through a mask, because the pressurisation runs out at 25k of altitude and a cabin of 10k.

For me then, I have a lovely aircraft that cruises without a pressurisation warning at 23 or 24000 ft max, depending on heading with a mighty TAS as a result.

I am a republican but I do love this instance of royalty - HRH the Royal Duke.

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I thought I was just expressing my opinion about the aircraft

You left that area when you started belittleling other user's opinions and calling them cheap. Gee, I wonder how that could offend anybody.  ;D

Anyway, let's look past that and focus on the pro and cons of the aircraft at hand again. No hard feelings from anyone, I hope. ;)

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Cathy:  I must say that HRH the Duke sure climbs past 25k like a Spitfire, but after that height you'd better be carrying oxygen to breathe through a mask, because the pressurisation runs out at 25k of altitude and a cabin of 10k.

For me then, I have a lovely aircraft that cruises without a pressurisation warning at 23 or 24000 ft max, depending on heading with a mighty TAS as a result.

I am a republican but I do love this instance of royalty - HRH the Royal Duke.

May need a hotfix. Rocket Engineering quotes 28K max altitude with a cabin altitude of 10200

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Definitely an entertaining bird  ;D

First flight: had some hardware trouble with the throttle slider - was at 100% all time, so I managed to burn the left engine after some minutes. At 20000 ft I had some time to consider what to do with that bolting horse. I decided to shutdown the second engine and to do a soaring approach to the next apt. But alas, when you are in trouble it comes double. The approach went quite well and I pressed the ATP key to announce myself when I saw my first bluescreen after years... Shouldn't have been playing too much with the so-called SMART overclocking feature of my mobo.  ;D

Today, after I managed a cold and dark start of the right engine, the left one was running up to 100% during startup and I only could calm it down by lowering the prop pitch (maybe one of the flaws of FSXs turboprop modeling). Then, after some eventless minutes of happy flying and pressing the V key while on autopilot, the right engine suddenly spooled down, and - you guess it - the obligatory oilspill was on the cowling. I swear I watched the engine instruments nearly all the time - must be a random failure (that was set to very seldom). Btw, th autopilot mastered the flight with one engine quite well and I hand-landed this bitchy beauty safely.

Now I'm even considering to switch on some of the other built in random failures of FSX - so much more fun...

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The A2A Spit showed just what a "living" aircraft is like and has made me bin 90% of my hanger.

I had, yes had the C340II but under the eye candy what is there there? A=nothing= Bined.

After reading long and hard I bought the Turbin Duke tonight and O boy I am glad i did.

It feels unique in every way, nothing like the C340II in a totaly diffrent class. The engines feel alive and so does this top class aircraft. Its in my hanger and there is very little there now, sick of the "flavor of the month" "eye candy no depth" aircraft.

I have only 5 aircraft in my hanger now. I only plan to add the Me108, Diamond DA20-100 'Katana' 4X  and if it ever comes out the PMDG 737NGX.

PS: it has one bug, if the mouse pointer comes on/showes I lose upto 6-7 fps untill it goes.

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Nyxx old mate you binned them, not bined.  I know you are from the north of England which explains all.  'Much Binding in the Marsh' was once a great radio programme.

But yes as we get to the end of this development cycle with FSX there are few really good aircraft out there, and the best, we are told, are still 'under development' by companies that react angrily to any request for a possible release date.  What a way to do business.

But I'm glad you like the Turbine Duke it is one of the few really good models that is on the market.

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Well... everyone who reads my posts, I'm dyslexic and my spelling and grammar is terrible, sorry  :( I'm sitting here with a red face as I have done countless times.

To old to do something about it now. Its just part of me :) , I excel at maths but could not spell to save my life.

As from the "North" well Southerners think "North" of Watford is the "North"  ;D , Nottingham is the Midlands not the "North"  ;)  :)

Back to the Duke, I have a engine give up on me as I was 2 miles away from landing at KORS and thats with setting on "low". Was interesting and very enjoyable.

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