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getting back from orbx OZ to orbx NA


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Hi all, I know that there are some in these forums who like to fly in OZ during the NA winter and then (like real) fly back to NA and vice versa "whatevs "on the vice versa latin i dont know >....if any one could offer a plan to get back there I think it would make an interesting topic .......... any body ?

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It depends largely on what you are flying, its range, and how long you are prepared to fly a single leg.

If the plane has a long enough range (or you're prepared to fit "ferry tanks" (or use 'unlimeted fuel'), you can island-hop to Hawaii, and then make the long crossing to California. otherwise, it's go round the long way - up through Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, Siberia, Alaska... following the Ring of Fire. I've done it several times, in either direction, by different routes each time. There isn't really a "best" way as such, as I say, it depends largely on how quickly you want to get there, how long & how many legs you want to fly and so on. If you're flying a light GA on 2-3 hour legs a couple of times a week, you should budget a good couple of months to go round the edge, and probably half that to island hop (including an overnight ride to the mainland in the back of a C17...)

The technique I use is to see what airports are in range and pick one that matches the general direction I want to go. I tend to think two or three legs ahead, not much more than that in detail, although I map out the whole route in broad brush strokes (e.g. "Indonesia, Plilippines, Korea...") That gives me the flexibility to divert if I find an area of particular interest that I want to explore.

The "strangest" route I've flown was NZ -> McMurdo -> South Pole -> Chile -> Peru -> Caribbean -> Florida...

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