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AU SP4 Scenery Tile Glitch


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Hi, I'm running FTX AU SP4 with the latest Library installed and also Holgermesh. I've noticed on a flight between YPMQ and YBBN that I'm getting glitches with small patches of scenery tiles over land. When I switch to Spot view and raise the camera to look at the terrain close to the plane (at FL160) I can see small areas of water texture showing through. These patches flicker slowly between water texture and then land texture. In the distance these glitch areas appear as patches of blurry out of focus land textures. Another area where I see this all the time is to the South East of Runway 01 at YBBN (default scenery) on the far side of the river. I've tried disabling the Holgermesh but I still see the texture problem. Any ideas?



FTX AU FSS0098312

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Thanks Mark, I hope its not the graphics card, can't afford to replace it right now. I'm running a stock 285GTX and I've never overclocked it. The glitch in the screenshot above is always in the same place near YBBN, no matter what plane I'm flying at the time. If the graphics card was failing I'd expect to see more random issues. Also flying in other parts of the world such as Europe with GEX is causing no problems.



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Hi, I've captured a few more images south of Coff's Harbour of the problem - you can see that water tiles appear randomly in the scenery initially and as they get closer they load into out-of-focus ground scenery tiles. The in the distance further water tiles appear. I'm sure its not my graphics card as all other scenery runs fine.

Posted Image

URL=http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/view.php?filename=301Scenery_Issue_4.jpg]Posted Image

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Hi guys,

Thanks for your help and suggestions, apologies if I sounded impatient/rude in my previous post I didn't mean to offend. I think you folks have made a fantastic product and I guess I'm a little to keen to sort out my little problem, so I'm sorry.

I've downloaded and installed the latest Orbx Library but I'm still getting this scenery texture glitch where I see water, followed by blurry ground texture and random ground textures that interchange as you fly over them. This only occurs in small patches in the AU Gold region of the scenery.

Last night I did some flights around the AU Blue and Green regions and all looks ok there. Do you think I could have an installation problem where a particular texture has bugged in the Gold region?

I did experience some issues when I installed FTX AU SP3, I purchased the download version from Flightsimstore and initially I received the Decompression error when installing. I re-downloaded the files and performed the checksum test - all files checked out ok both for file size and checksum UD5. However I still encountered the Decompression error when installing but I found that if I kept running the installer it progressed further each time and eventually installed.

FTX Central reports everything is ok. What do you guys suggest that I do next?

Many Thanks


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Hi Rob:

As written here at the forum many times - typically the W7 securities have the tendency to complicate the download and / or installation of files. I'm trying to keep my knowledge about these things to zero (or a bare minimum), but I would suggest to turn everything off for the moment, download the files again, install and turn the virus checker and UAC back on. Should work - worked for me! :)

Cheers, Vlad

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Hi Vlad, thanks for your help. I did a complete reinstall, taking the opportunity to move across to Windows 7. The installation of FTX AU ran fine this time, no decompression errors and now the scenery is absolutely perfect!

Thanks for all your help and for such a great product! Happy flying.

Cheers, Rob

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