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One question and one issue with YMML V2


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Hi guys,

as said in the topic, i have one question and one problem i hope you can help me with.

First of all, the question: Does the VDGS system on some of the Gates at the international terminal actually work? Today i flew into YMML with a B77W but during taxi to the gate, the grey box remained off. Is it just a placeholder or should they work?

Now, to a more important point; my issue:

Somehow, it seems that my ground textures on YMML do not become fully sharp to 7cm resolution, although i have set 7cm in the FSX settings.

Even stranger is the fact that, depending from what angle i look at the textures from external camera view of any of my aircraft, some parts of the ground textures sharpen and others become more blurry. But they never become as sharp as shown in the screenshots. My runway textures are perfectly fine, this issue only applies to the ground textures of taxiways and ground near the gates. The rest of the airport textures are just fine and perfectly sharp.

Also, i look at my fsx.cfg and texture max load is at 4098. I thought it might be because my system could have worked too much, so i saved the current session at the gate, rebooted my system and reloaded that saved session from before. Unfortunately, the blurriness of the ground textures at the gates and taxiways still were there.

As soon as i am on my fsx computer again, i will try to upload some pics to show you the problem.

I hope you can help me :)

Btw, in YBBN, textures fully load to 7 cm resolution.


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You should pull back your zoom level to -40 or -30 to see the textures at their crispest.

There are many and varied reasons for blurry ground textures,  chief of which is too rapid movement of the aircraft causing "texture lag", ie. the inability of your PC to keep feeding textures fast enough to FSX's rendering engine. This can be alleviated by a good defrag of your hard drive, an upgrade to a faster HD, or installing an SSD. Often people find that moving to faster CPUs and more cores also eliminates blurries, so the CPU power obviously helps with extracting the MIP levels from the photoreal ground bgls.

I can get blurries at YMML2 by fast-slewing, but if I land normally and then taxi to the gates with my usual -30 zoom levels the textures always remain ultra-crisp.

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You should pull back your zoom level to -40 or -30 to see the textures at their crispest.

There are many and varied reasons for blurry ground textures,  chief of which is too rapid movement of the aircraft causing "texture lag", ie. the inability of your PC to keep feeding textures fast enough to FSX's rendering engine. This can be alleviated by a good defrag of your hard drive, an upgrade to a faster HD, or installing an SSD. Often people find that moving to faster CPUs and more cores also eliminates blurries, so the CPU power obviously helps with extracting the MIP levels from the photoreal ground bgls.

I can get blurries at YMML2 by fast-slewing, but if I land normally and then taxi to the gates with my usual -30 zoom levels the textures always remain ultra-crisp.

Thanks so far John but the problem is rather that no matter how long i wait nor when i stay still, for example at the gate, the textures just don't become sharp and stay at say, i step before fully sharp. i hope you understand what i mean.

Is there anything else i can do? I mean, in texture intensive regions like YBBN, everything is fine with the textures and the loading ( of course not that fast as my computer is not the fastest) but still the textures load to fully sharpness. Apparently the texture blurriness problem only applies to YMML V2.

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Have you tried making some adjustments to 3D settings for your video card in the Windows interface?

I find when I have issues like this that modifying settings in Windows for your display adapter (video card) can make some difference.

I think when I had that issue at YMML V2 I changed the filtering option to Anisotropic with the slider set more to Quality than Performance, and made sure the texture re in FSX was at 7cm. Also play around with MIP Mapping settings to see if that makes any difference. It does seem to vary between graphics cards and drivers though. I have an old Radeon 5850 though (yes I need to upgrade soon!) :)

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Can you post a screenshot of YMML, Conchulio? Maybe one with the zoom factor visible and at some prominent place to allow others to check their screen against yours.

The devs will surely see if the textures look odd and maybe assume a cause then when actually seeing what is going on at your side.

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Can you post a screenshot of YMML, Conchulio? Maybe one with the zoom factor visible and at some prominent place to allow others to check their screen against yours.

The devs will surely see if the textures look odd and maybe assume a cause then when actually seeing what is going on at your side.

Unfortunately, i am not able to show you the screenshots i made, because i had to travel back to Zurich while my FSX computer still is in my hometown...

However, the screenshots posted by Power Storm with his texture problem, are not the same texture problems i experience. My anisotropic filtering is at maximum and i haven't altered any of my graphics card settings except antialising to 8x and anisotropic to max.

My runway textures are fully crisp and sharp, even in the distance. The problem is only about my taxiways and the surrounding ground including ground textures at the gates. Buildings etc.. are just fine.

I also have no artifacts or the like, it's just the "simple" problem that the textures seem not to load to its last "level of crispness" if you understand what i mean.

Btw, my zoom factor withing the VC is usually from 0.70 to 085 with widescreen enabled and exterior view its usually around 0.3 to 0.7 depending from which angle i look. Nonetheless, i can't see much reference to the zoom level, because as said earlier, in YBBN, which is also a very very texture intensive airport, i have no textures blurries what so ever. Always sharp even in the distance. Same in YSTW and Canberra.

To see, if it has something to do with texture lag, i waited longer, even up to 10 minutes but nothing changed in YMML V2, while at the other airports mentioned before, after some couple of seconds, textures load and become crisp quickly, no matter which zoom level.

Nonethless, thanks already for your support, i really hope that i can enjoy YMML V2 fully, because it is one of airports i regularly want to fly into and out.

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