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Objet shadow problems on YMML V2


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I just purchased YMML v2 and I have some problems with the objects shadow on the ground. Instead of a nice smooth shading I see a awful black object (look at the screen bellow)

An idea?

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I searched on the forum but I didn't find a quick solution

Ps : Order #FSS0094076 (Completed)

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That's probably because by default almost everyone turns ground shadows off in the sim (developers included), as the hit on frame rates is far bigger than the small increase in visual detail.  Another reason for turning off the shadows is that a lot of the photoreal base imagery for the airports has object shadows, which cannot be moved or removed, and if you have shadows operating in the sim you can have the sim shadow poiting one way while the photoreal shadow is fixed in another direction.

My advice would be to turn the ground shadows off, you won't miss them!

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Those black squares only appear on DX10 mode..

Correct. What you are seeing is not a shadow, but a polygon with a DXT5 texture with graduated alpha applied to create the soft ground shadow effect. This texture/alpha format has problems with DX10 mode in FSX and is therefore showing as completely black. Not something we can solve but an issue with DX10 not being properly implemented by Microsoft, hence the option "DX10 Preview"


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