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Airports has become totally corrupted !!!


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After installing NA PFJ and NA NRM on top of my old NA PNW installation all my airports and airfields has become completely screwed up with runways and taxiways 10-20 meters up in the sky and/or airport surroundings has sunk into "craters"!!

- What the h.. has gone wrong??

Yesterday I installed the NA PNW.003 Patch and ran the latest Orbx Libraries 101205 on top of that - but I still got this crazy problem!

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Hi Morten

Somewhere along the way somethings gone wrong, however the solution is easy

With FTXCentral set to [North America]... browse to FSX/Scenery/World/Scenery and tell me how many ADE_FTX_XXX_XXX_elevation_adjustment.bgl files you have

Also tell me if you have .OFF files in that folder

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Was FTX Central set to North America when installing the Patch?

Also are airports in all three regions being Affected?

EDIT: Tim beat me to it, please disregard my questions...

Yes it was set to North America!

I'm not sure if all regions are affected - I'll check it out...

Another thing, as usual with Win7 users I guess, I get heavy NET Framework errors every time I start up FTX Central witch prevent me from doing several things in there - however I'm able to pick out North America anyway - everything just seems so messy and unreilable with these damn NET errors...

Back again! - I just this minute tried to enable and disable North America inside the FTX Central and suddenly a dialog box turns up and says (..quickly translated from Danish to English..): " The act could hot be executed, because there already is a file on the path 'B:\FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery\ADE_FTX_PNW_3W5_elevation_adjustment.BGL' "  I've never seen that one before! - seems that there certainly is something terribly rotten here, not?!

Then what???

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Your problem is what Tim is getting onto.

For some reason you have duplicated .bgl files in your Orbx directories.

The mesh files for the areas are loading, but the elevation adjustment .bgls for the airports so that they match the surrounding mesh are not loading or are in .OFF like Tim has suggested.

Do you have any other Orbx products beside PNW, PFJ and NRM? I need to know in order to make the best suggestion for a fix.

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Ahh......I see Tims answer just now!....couldn't quite follow - you guys are so fast with answers  :D  I really appreciate it, thanks!

Answer to Tim:  Zero  ADE_FTX_XXX_XXX_elevation_adjustment.bgl files

Correction: There is 1 ADE_FTX_PNW_3W5_elevation_adjustment.BGL

and  171 ADE_FTX_XXX_XXX_elevation_adjustment.OFF files

Answer to pmanhart: I have no other Orbx products - however 1 OZx addon - Grand Canyon (Holger Mesh V2)

Cheers, Morten

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Just delete that lone single ADE_FTX_PNW_3W5_elevation_adjustment.BGL and then cycle FTXCentral back and forth between [North America] and [Default] once or twice

Then set it to [North America] and have a look to see if its all fixed

And let us know if your still having any errors with FTXCentral



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Okay that did it!!  :)

I picked up a fast Mirage and went over the airports I noticed had problems before - they're all back to normal again.

In fact, besides the 3w5.bgl file there was also a KORS.bgl in the way, so I deleted both of them and the FTX Central then "reproduced" some new identical ones in the library and things cleared up again.

Many thanks for help Tim! 

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