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Lancair questions


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Just want to make sure i'm doing this right and not complaining.I'm only interested in realistic, so how do i know if i am flying a realistic model ? is it the tail number or what  and i am only interested in the Hd models and i kinda think the realistic models are in the HD ones. If you don't mind just give me a couple tail numbers of the realistic models and that will be good enough. And one more thing, what's your take on the stalling  of this unit,? when you do a power on  and off stall, she pretty close or what? seems good but i've never flown one - again just asking and not complaining.  Louis----------- Order number FSS0087833

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Hi Louis,

The Lancair control panel is where you select the realistic or simplified Flight models

When choosing the version in the FSX aircraft selection area, you have the choice of HD or non-HD, this only refers to the texture quality and not the flight model

In other words all the versions can be realistic if the option is chosen in the Lancair control panel

Jarrad can answer the other questions much better than me :)

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Reccomend reading the spin recovery section of the POH before attempring any stalls. Be sure to ballance the aircraft before entry and do not use full power, as the torque can induce a harsher wingdrop.

As you aproach the stall, trim the aircraft back so that you have plenty of elevator controll for recovery.

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Ok got it --i down loaded the Jaguar edition and said" umm what config is this gonna be" but i kinds forgot i had it ticked to realistic and that takes care of all of them .Got a few more hours yet to get the hang of this little guy  :o

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