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windfarms/windmills question


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Hi...Ive been watching a few pics from NRM and his new windmills/winfarms.

Ok I made a VFR flight from 2w3 Swanson to KELN Bowers and when planning this trip in the Chart exist a huge warning close to bowers(NorthWest)

about Windmills area....so the question is (because I search for them-maybe not well-but I cant find them) are they only at strategic places or in the real places?


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Hi there,

we've placed windfarms at all locations we were aware of (I believe five in total plus one single turbine) and each tower was placed at its true location using GE and other references. I'm pretty sure the Google Earth file that comes with NRM has placemarks for them.

If there are windfarms or individual turbines in the US that we missed please let us know and we'll certainly add them via a service pack. Ellensburg (KELN) is actually outside the NRM coverage area by about 20 miles so any windfarm nearby would be too and more likely to be included with the Southern Rockies package.

Cheers, Holger

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Ellensburg (KELN) is actually outside the NRM coverage

Erhh.....ok Holger forget my question and let me try to plan another flight into NRM zone :-[

Try pincher creek Alberta CZPC

thanks Rick will give it a try

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