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Any comments on GEX/UTX?


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I am very much looking forward to the FTX PNW pack, but it seems some way off yet, and certainly, a whole coverage of the States and Canada (if Orbx do Canada) is in the distance. Given that I like the big jet flying, I want to do long distance cross USA/Canada flying.

I already have Ultimate Terrain X for the USA and found it ok in defining coastlines roads rivers etc, but a bit weak in the textures, but I noticed that Ground Environment X ties in with UTX and seems to offer a similiar solution to FTX but probably not with as much localised landclass definition given that they cover the whole countries not just areas. The screenshots look good though.

Has anyone else used UTX/GEX? Are they any good in your opinion?

Thanks for any replies.


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I have both UTX and GEX and it is a good match.  I know that GEX is working on some big updates, for for now its a great solution for USA coverage.  Thing is that it does not come close to the look/feel of FTX.  Just to let you know though, that since FTX came out that I have not flown in the USA areas covered by GEX, that should tell you something.

Hope this helps. 

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I noticed very little difference in the PNW area with UTX USA, the coastlines and river data seem to be nearly identical to the default, though the urband landclass is improved.  However, I noticed a massive difference with UTX Canada.  The coastline is improved greatly, with many more islands and much more detail, and the water data is a night and day difference.  With UTX Canada every single river and stream can be found running down their respective valleys and crevices.

As to GEX, its a mixed bag for me.  Some of the textures are great, while others no so great.  For UTX is a must buy, while GEX is debatable.

Just to give you an idea of what kind of water data UTX adds in canada here's a few images.  The first image shows Holger's Bella Coola scenery area.  The second image is a closeup of a small section found at the very top of first image, right of center.  The third image is a closeup of the second image, and highlights all the streams which flow into the larger river.  Now, without UTX Canada, non of these streams or even the bigger river are present. 

Keep in mind the whole are is covered with these streams and rivers, though I only highlighted a small section.  With a 20m mesh the prescision of the river and stream placement right within the little valleys is pretty amazing.  They just cut right in, and it looks awesome.  I've got some different comparison images I can upload when I get home.

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Thanks very much for your comments, guys.

Certainly, the fact that they can provide texture replacement for the whole country as opposed to climate areas like FTX does, gave me the expectation that it wont be in the same class as FTX is, but FTX has spoilt me somewhat and I need to find something that improves on the default.

Can't Orbx just quadruple their team so they can finish the world quicker? Hehehe ;D

Think I'll get the UTX Canada first then and then GEX . And then when FTX for US starts appearing, can put them higher in the scenery list. Anyone know of a good freeware mesh for US and Canada by the way?

Thanks for your input, much appreciated


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