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Installation of Hyper 212 Plus...


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I'm hoping someone can offer me some advice. I am about to venture into the dark unknown, and about to install the Hyper 212 Plus CPU cooler. This is my first time at doing something like this, in preparation for a little bit of overclocking. Anyway, I have done bags of research and found lots of vids on Youtube, but... essentially there is a back plate that holds the cooler, via a lever style retainer. Now, I'm rather confused. I cannot see any way the cooler is held in position over the CPU except from a single point right in the centre at the back of the cooler plate, above the CPU, with an expandable bracket. There appears to be no other way of holding the cooler in position, to me it just doesn't seem to make sense. Surely, there must be several points where the cooler can be held firm other than a single point right in the centre, or am I missing something? Also, does the thermal paste act as a cement and if so how long does it take to set?

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