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Lancair Blank Instrument Display!


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Hi, I have a feeling this may be a problem that the Orbx guys may be aware of, I hope so. I have just introduced a second monitor that I am using for VFR flying, which encompasses Google earth display and also some instruments. However, after recently purchasing the Lancair, I notice that when I drag individual instruments across to the second monitor, they turn blank. The item is still there, but the instrument display goes to black. This is only resolved once I drag the instrument back onto the main screen. Has anyone any ideas about thisĀ  ???

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Though i haven't experienced this myself since i only run one monitor, My first thought would be to ask if you are running a triplehead2go adaptor to run your aditional monitors or the video card?

I know that the triplehead software causes the card to read the monitor setup as one massive screen and the conversion happens at the splitter. Alternativley a card registers two monitors and can change the setup accordingly.

so questions:

1) Which setup are you running?

2) Is it only happening on the lancair?

3) Are the monitors identical?

4) Are the settings identical?

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Hi Jared, thanks for the info. I'm not running anything special. The two monitors come directly out of the GTX470. The main display 24" 1920x1200 goes via a KVM switch and the other directly to a 17" 1024x786. I have used this setup with other aircraft, both default and add-on (Carenado 185F) with no problems.... :(

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