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Having a problem with Orbx PNW Demo


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I just recently downloaded the Orbx PNW Demo freeware package, and for some reason when I start flying, the PNW scenery doesn't come up. I have the FTX Central North America Region actvated, the FTX Aero bump maps locked in on 1024, and my runways and taxiways set where I want them. But when I start the game, all I keep getting is the FSX default scenery instead of the PNW scenery. I have tried everything to get it to work, but no matter what I do, I still keep getting the FSX default scenery. My stepson is planning to purchase the original Orbx PNW Scenery Package for me as a Christmas gift, and I'm hoping that it will work for me. But if the demo doesn't work for me as of now, will the original PNW package not work for me either? This is really starting to worry me, and I need some answers!! I'm  about at my wit's end, and I don't know what to do anymore!!

Is there anyone here who might be able to help me out with this problem?


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Hi there,

where do you start your tests flights? I'm asking because the demo is limited to the Olympic Peninsula so you'd need to pick an airport in that area like Port Angeles or Forks. If you've done that already perhaps you can post a screenshot or two of what you're seeing.

Cheers, Holger

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Oh, Okay. I didn't know you had to do that. I was trying places like Vancouver, Seattle, and Tofino for my test flights. Maybe that's why it wasn't working.

I will try using Port Angeles and/or Forks to see if that works this time.

Thanks a lot for the heads up!!

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Okay, I did do a test flight in both Port Angeles and Forks, and by golly it worked this time!! The scenery in both of these areas were absolutely breathtaking!! I think these two areas are excellent for bush flying. But there is one question that I have about this demo, and that is, since this demo is somewhat limited, are these the only two places that it works in, or are there more areas to fly besides that?

I just want to say thank you so much Holger for pointing me in the right direction. It is a huge relief to know that this demo actually works!! Now I really can't wait until Christmas rolls around!!  :D

Thanks again, mate!! You are a real lifesaver!! ;)

Best regards.

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Hi there,

great to hear you've found the demo area. There are about 40 airports on the Olympic Peninsula and the demo includes all of them so there's quite a bit to explore for you. The manual shows an overview map on page 10 with the Olympic Peninsula outlined in red. If you load the also included Google Earth "FTX PNW Coverage and Features Map - DEMO version.kmz" file you can see more detail.  Last but not least, make sure to switch to different seasons to see how we model those.

Once you're ready to install the full version please remove the demo first as described here: http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=22370.0

Cheers, Holger

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Thanks so much for your reply!! As a matter of fact, I already have the uninstaller downloaded into my Orbx folder. I will make sure that I uninstall the demo when I'm ready to install the main PNW scenery package. I will also look at the manual as you suggest so I can find all of the airports that are included in the demo. I've already found at least three more of them since I made that last post, but I'm not done yet! I have a lot more territory to explore!! ;)

Again, thanks a million for all of you help, Holger!!  I am truly grateful for all that you have done for me!!

Cheers, mate!!  :D

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