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the C-130 "coastguarding" into the evening


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Some days ago i took the C-130 out of the hangar for an evening ride: Taking off from Fairchild Intl.  i headed along the shores of Vancouver Island towards north, taking some pictures before the very darkness of night fell in. I really can´t wait until i finally get the "Pacific Fjords-DVD" in the near future to finally go even further north!!

But for now:

Hope You enjoy the pictures and Have fun watching them!!

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[img width=984 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/8312.jpg

[img width=941 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/6343.jpg

[img width=905 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/8074.jpg

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[img width=873 height=700]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/5149.jpg

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Love it!!..... the last one should be your signature shot, Moonman!

But, these are all very nice, very atmospheric and well captured. Love the colours, sharp, crisp definition and really like the Herc!

All in all, beautiful!..... thanks for sharing these!  :D

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Thank You all very, very much for Your kind and encouraging replies!! To all of You - a big, great Thank You!!  :D :D :D

It is a real great pleassure for me to have the possibility to enjoy and use such a great forum as this one definitely is!!

And all this pictures and videos, replies, comments, discussions ... everything here - it is a real great and inspiring environment to always try out something new and look at all these many and various issues around flightsimming and the appearance of your own FSX at many, sometimes even very unorthodox perspectives!! 

have many, many great flights!!!  :D :D ;) ,

the moonman

Thank You!!

Nice job mate!  The 4th pic, over the water and the last one (you had to get a moon shot in didn't you  ;D) are both pearlers.



;D Yes - i could not stand to put the moon in here - but i have to admit that this was by incident in so far as i did not know that the moon would be shining that bright at this particular FSX-flight - but You are definitely right - when i then saw it, i was really, really very pleased!! :D

Love it!!..... the last one should be your signature shot, Moonman!

But, these are all very nice, very atmospheric and well captured. Love the colours, sharp, crisp definition and really like the Herc!

All in all, beautiful!..... thanks for sharing these!  :D

Great idea fiftysix - i will look forward to it and try - if it looks well in the signature, i seriously consider to use it as my future signature!!

Good shots . I see you have the hd moon. Sometimes I wish it would change colour to a yellow-ish colour , like sometimes it should be.

Now I know why they call you the moonman .      ::)

Yes alan2 it is the hd moon - and i agree on the "yellow-colour" issue with You - that would be amazing!!  :D ... especially when i think about the moon that i and some friends of mine were able to stare at just after we had some great dinner (and some fantastic wine  ;)) in a small little restaurant in the later evening only a couple of weeks ago here in my hometown (an hour drive from LOWW (near Vienna)) - the moon was totally, almost dark-red in the beginning and then slowly turned into orange/yellow and finally became blue/grey/white... - we can often enjoy this wonderful spectacle at the beginning of autumn here - but this year it was really outstanding and fantastic!!

but who knows... maybe one day an add on for such a "real-moon-fx" will be available... would that be something for the REX-team or some fine freeware artist?

but for now i also definitely have to admit that this hd moon does really look very, very, very great!!

the sky is amazingl! :o love all those shots!especially this one [...] :D :D very creative moonman!!keep it coming :D

Hello bayu swadeshi!! Concerning the sky - i am using some "freeware-sky/sun enhancements" – if You are interested in it just follow the links here (that´s where i finally got them all from... hope it still works):


and then:


if You are going to use it, then: Have great fun with it!!

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