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Being bad, real bad.


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Don't tell you instructor, but sometime the ceiling is just too low for an instrument approach, particularly a non-precision approach like the NDB and VOR.  And sometimes there just isn't an approach because there is no ground aid.

So why is he ranting.  I have just got the Flight1 BN Islander which is a beauty if for no other reason than it has finally solved the click spot problem for rotary knobs.  Please all other builders check it out and copy.

I decided to do the tutorial flight from the Isle of Wight to Old Sarum, but I did it in real weather (ASX and XGraphics for me).  Believe me tonight the UK sucks.  From Scotland south heavy rain and low cloud covers the country, light winds but dew point near to ambient temperature, with patches of fog already.  I used the GPS in combination with a VOR, and watched the time and distance with care.  Old Sarum had 600ft in rain.  The test is to do it safely and without scaring yourself too much.  Look at the terrain maps and plan when to descend, but also plan when to diverge from the course just enough to allow you to fly a reasonable base and short final.  Do it tonight while the UK has a patch of lousy weather.  And don't tell your instructor, after all its just a game, isn't it?

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Tim, it is sure a bad day over there.

Just to counter myself, these days people use GPS/GNSS approaches to remote airfields.  It is possible to set up waypoints and crossing points to ensure correct altitude and position.

But its still fun when VFR would be banned, and only IFR permittied into airports with precision approaches.  But its even more fun from the Gold Coast where the outside temperature is still around 24 Celsius, and with a ceiling away up there.

Just think I can fly a technically illegal approach in Southern England in the weather that is there at the moment, while sitting in Aus.  It has become a great hobby hasn't, thanks to no end of developers.

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Well its better for the Poms to fly here, it's too difficult in their own country for them. 

I did the trip a second time but I concocted a GPS arrival.  The problem is the map in the FS planner is not perfectly accurate.  It put me about 100mtres to the left of the runway threshold, so it took a fair old split-arse turn to get in.  I'm glad it was the Islander and I had it back below 70knots at that stage so it worked.  Not too good in the Citation, old bean.

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Well its better for the Poms to fly here, it's too difficult in their own country for them. 

It's not just the weather. Sadly, our regulators don't have the enlightened view of aviation that either the Aussies or the Americans have. EASA ("Putting the ARSE in European Aviation Safety") has decided that the only way to make European skies safe is to ensure there's nobody in them.

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Mac I must ask when you turn the radios on in the Bn 2 do you begin to hear a high pitched ringing?

I do and it is making me bonkers. If any one can tell me how to get rid of this or if there is a switch I am not clicking let me know.

because I like this bird but because of the ringing I only do vfr over to fraser island from hervey bay with radios off.,not very real.

maybe I should try and turn down the cockpit noise .?

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As to the Islander.  I have just given it another run, and there is a high pitched sound in the radios. 

It was not unusual for that to happen in aircraft of that vintage when cables weren't as carefully insulated as they are now, and sets weren't as good. IRL you had to adjust the squelch as best you could and wear it. In the sim I cope with it by going into the sound option and turning cockpit noise and voice down (move the sliders to the left). 

If you still don't like that don't turn your radios on, the FS ATC still operates.

I went back to Bembridge with real weather, asked for a VFR departure and was refused.  Heck I could see the end of the runway, that's VFR.  I did that without touching the radio sets  (Psst I never bother with the radios in any plane, just use the FS ATC)

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I did the same flight again, real weather.  Made it again, heck it's becoming routine.

At least the ceiling was near a thousand feet, and the birds had stopped walking, and were flying again.

The rain is still continuous.  No wonder yours is a green and pleasant land - rain is needed for green.

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