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Wilco Airbus v2 for FSX

John York

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I'm asking this question here because I'm never sure if questions about products other than FSX & FTX are allowed in the support pages.

Ok, I give up.  It says in the manual the configuration button is at the top.  I can't find it on the top of anything!

Someone give me a clue please.


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What sort of "configuration button" are you talking about, John? Those aircraft have a small program to be configured with (weight, buttons, cold&dark, and so on). Can be found in the start menu or in that "Wilco" folder (Start Menu\Programs\Wilco Publishing\Airbus Series 2X). It's called "Configurator.exe".

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Are you talking about the 'config test' John? If so its on the centre console on the top line of the EICAS (centre screens) page buttons. Just look below the bottom screen and then where the centre panel starts to join the main console there are a number of buttons and on the top line of buttons is the 'config' button :)

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At the time I asked the question Kwiss I didn't know what Conguration Button I was looking for either.  However, there was an aircraft cfg mistakenly placed on my desktop as a shortcut and there was nothing in the 'plane cockpit.

However, Cool had the answer.  Its in the Start' button!  Don't know what to do with it yet mind, but at least its there and probably useful for setting up the flight, so I'll make a shortcut of it on the desktop for the time being.

I'm beginning to think this is as complicated as the Aerosoft one.  Nothing's ever easy is it?! ;D

Thanks for your help.

Now I've got a start, I can begin to work through the manual.


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John when go into the configuration manger (in the start menu or under programs-Wilco) there is a beginner option, this will work out your V-Speeds and other things, it makes life a bit easier but yes it's a learning curve but the Wilco systems work so you are not chasing shadows if you know what I mean  ;) If you get stuck with anything just ask and I'll try to help mate  :)

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I'm the sort of simmer that jumps right in and not fully understanding how a particular aircraft operates, the only real knowledge of tube-liners I have are the defaults in FSX. It would help sometimes with the tutorials if it was explained how and why you action a button. Example you need to press the config button which tells the pilot that the aircraft is set up properly for take off, if the status page on the EICAS show no blue warnings then the aircraft is ready to take-off, if the is a blue-warning on any of the list on the EICAS then it needs to be actioned whilst taxiing (if there is a warning against the MAX-BRAKE line then the aircraft won't brake auto-brake when there is a rejected take-off, so you press the MAX-BRAKE button to fix the error.

Often times the tutorial would just say 'Press config-button' and clear any warnings, which assumes that you have good knowledge of the Airbus systems already, like any new software, once you know where all the buttons are and what their functions do it gets easier  :) 

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Hi Christian

I agree with all you say and we are alike I think in our attitude to flying. 

Thanks for your offer to help.

There is one thing.  I thought it would help learning if I  started one of the 'planes in the 'cold & dark' mode from the config panel.  What I didn't realise was I didn't know how to cancel it! 

Thank goodness I didn't do that with all the types and that there's more than one model. ;);D


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John:  I have found the Wilco Airbus satisfying to fly.  The Aerosoft version will need to have superior performance (in FPS) to have me replace it.

I start the Airbus in powered up mode, but not with engines running.  The Init Ref pages on the MCDU are not available if the engines are running which means basic info re weight and fuel cannot be put in.

If I am in a hurry, then after completing the full MCDU (FMS), I just use control+E to start.  Other times I do the start correctly.  I don't feel bad about this routine because this is the condition most flight crew find the aircraft.

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Hi Macca

To be truthful, I'm not really into all this rigmarole before flying.  All I want to do is get into the aircraft at the gate, turn on a few switches and off we go.

I certainly don't want to be bothering about fuel loads etc., or to spend another hour preparing for a flight.  Neither do I understand the term 'Resolve the discontinuity', or how to do it, and I can't find the switch to turn the engine on!  I tried 'Ctrl+E' to no avail so I got fed up and having rendered the first model unfliable, am I glad there are some other models of the Wilco Airbus I can use.

My interest lies in flying from one place to another in a reasonably short time, say an hour or maximum hour and a half.  The Airbus gives me the opportunity to fly longer distances within this time span but I do enjoy flying IFR using the auto pilot and landing ILS as that helps me with the manual approaches too. 

What I definitely don't want is a lot of hastle before I fly!  Neither do I feel guilty about wanting to enjoy the hobby the way I want to enjoy it and not necessarily as others would want me to. And you shouldn't feel guilty about taking a shortcut to achieve your aim either.

Incidentally, one of the good things I can say about the Aerosoft Airbus is that I found fps not to be a consideration.  However, I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy it until they've got rid of all the bugs........about 10 years time I should think if their record with the photographic scenery is anything to go by! ::)  ;D

Personally, I prefer the look of the Aerosoft Airbus cockpit but what's the good of that for something that hundreds of guys from their forum seem not to be able to use!  I've kept the download but uninstalled it from my simulator as it seemed to be passing some of it's nasties on to my other aircraft....ctd errors for example!

All the best


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Hey John, the 'Clear discontinuity' had me pinned for a while also as it's not explained clearly in the tutorial, all is needed from you is to press CLR and the FSMG on the hit the button next to the line that says 'Discontinuity' (or LINE SELECT is the proper term) It's basically telling you that the Airbus doesn't know how you want to proceed to the next waypoint from one fix to the other, just ignore it for now and CLR it  :) Believe me stick with it and you will love it and as you get 'Bored' with sitting there looking out of the window at mach.82 @35000 feet you will crave to learn more  ;)

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Hi Christian

Thanks for that tip.  I'm making a note.  My memory ::)  Fancy not telling you how to do that!

I've just completed my first complete flight.  A fairly short one,  dare I say from Bristol to Birmingham? At only 3500'....I know...but it was VFR and I didn't want to get up so far I'd not be able to get down again for such a short trip.  It was pretty uneventful really and I managed to get it down undamaged on the runway, well, for part of the time....Then I ran out of space! ;D  Deployed the spoilers too late.  But I kept it in the airport and managed to park.

The auto pilot only seemed to work in fits and starts and the 'Approach' didn't work at all so I've got to work on that in the manual.

I must say I quite like it but I'm not likely to be able to do much flying for a few days now.  I've got to install someone's computer and printer for them tomorrow.  I know..me.. its a laugh but there you are. ;D  Then I've got to do some photography (my real thing) and then we go on  holiday for a week.  Don't be retired mate.  There's no time to do anything! ;);D

All the best


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Actually, it's not as bad as it sounds.  When I was working, I frequently flew into Birmingham and what was then a ploughed field and doesn't look so very different now, often had wheel marks where aircraft had overshot!    At least I didn't do that! ;D

I don't know if you know but its on a hill and if its still the same but it was one of those airports where you had to walk across the apron from and to the terminal.  Quite a trip in the sometimes howling gale.  I once saw a little old woman bowled over by the wind and a colleague and I picked her up, dusted her off and got her on the 'plane.  I coulddn't believe it, inside the aircraft it was as quiet and steady as a rock!

We're going by coach.  My wife doesn't fly.  But that's another story.

All the best



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