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Walter Sutton's anyone?

John York

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Ok, where is it?

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Seriously though, I was a bit shocked with Walter Suttons.  I found myself parked in a shed, then I couldn't find any sort of a strip to take off from, then once up, I couldn't b.....y well find the place.

Having said all that, my goodness the scenery is out of this world and I must say I love the sound effects and the birds and well everything.  Best yet from that point of view I think.

By the way, shouldn't the download include two strips?  Or is there a special way it has to be downloaded separately?

For those interested, the ini I used is Redline's latest mucked about a little tiny bit.  I really love it.  Lighter than Orbx default and colourful without going over the top.  Super.  So well done Mark if you're reading this.  I think it's just about perfect.


Thank you ImageShack

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Hi Johny,

When you take of WA79, just head the "tum-tum" hill and when you will be over, head your fly left. You must fly over a hill and will see just after the river... Then have a look on your right and you will see WA7M (it' s very small when you're high in the sky so be aware to the details)

Just have a look at this pictures from the last post by tailgunner (sorry for using it without your permissions, man) :

If you're comming from WA79, then on the picture, you will arrive from the right side of the picture...

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Guest J van E

LOL It's not where you are looking at! ;) The second strip is to the left of Tumtum mountain (if you are coming from WA79). It's on the edge of some sort of canyon-like thingwhateverrivercreeksomething.


What amentiba said. ;) And it's clearly shown in the pdf manual... (Let me guess what you would vote in my poll... ;D )

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Come on J.  You know instructions and manuals are only good for after you've go into trouble and the questions you've asked haven't been answered!

Much like quite a large few who answered your question. ;D

Actually, my point was that there's no strip there.  Just a field which it'll take a miracle to get up off.


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No, it's me mate.  Well, someone else really.  The bloke who used the plane last put it in the hanger the wrong way round so of course I couldn't find the strip! ;D

It seems my sense of humour is not understood here.  Everyone's taking my remarks so seriously. 

By the time I took that screenshot, I was well away from them.  Well, at least I think I was!  I've no idea where I was in relation to the Walter Suttons air strip.  I only took it to illustrate the lovely scenery I was flying over.

It's definitely all there but thanks for your concern Jigsaw.


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???Sorry Ron, I don't get that.  Surely, you must already know where the thing is in order to see it with the top down view?

Anyway, most of my remarks in the post were meant to be 'tongue in cheek' but as you once said; 'It's difficult to see the twinkle in the eye in a written post'.

I've found it all now and had a stroll round with BOB.  All very nice.

That's another thing I like about Orbx.  You can trust their work.  It's rare indeed that a mistake is made that is so bad it requires what should be instant patches etc to correct it.  Which is unlike several scenery suppliers I could name who firstly blame the customer, then won't acknowledge its their fault and finally when they do take an age to correct it.

Oh dear, I must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning! ;D


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