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GTX 460 1 or 2 GB?


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Is a 2GB GPU any better than a 1GB edition? I´m eyeballing the 460, and it comes in many variants. Let´s take into account using three screens and an i7 930.

The Jesus-tweaks were once said not to work on a 2GB gpu, but then again, SLI was supposed not be good either. And I´ve read about people running 480´s in SLI with no adverse effects. So, I wonder what the 460 has up it´s sleeve, and if there´s a benefit from 2GB.

Any ideas?

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Yes, yes, and yes.

A fast CPU is still essential with FSX, but the on-board RAM on the 400 series vid card provides enormous additional processing power.

For me, my rig set out in my sig block has finally got FSX to run smoothly at very high settings.  It's so good that most tweaks are no longer necessary.  Don't hesitate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Found this review, on page 6 there´s a video where the reviewer demonstrates the card. And he confirms 2gigz is good for multiple screen setups.

I like the fact that the card is shorter than my current 285, and shorter than some other manufacturer´s 460´s. Palit and MSI make them short as well. I did actually encounter a problem on my new board, where the back end of my 285 would collide with my disc drive, so I had to place it on a lower slot placing it close to my psu, and now I´ve got them competing for available air :-\.

But this card will probably be it for me 8)


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The way I understand it... the larger the resolution... the more video memory you need... so if you plan on having multiple monitors... if my statement is corret, then you want 2GB not 1GB. Based on this info, I'm personally waiting for at least a 2GB Nvidia video card as I'm planning on a multi screen setup for the future... something that will enable 180 view or similar. So really I'm waiting for something with enough headroom to be able to support those resolutions which probably means 2Gb for me won't be enough which is why I'm in no rush of buying anything atm. May in fact wait until the next gen video cards!

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At 2560x1600 rez using my 2GB GTX285 I see a max usage of 1.3GB used vram when monitoring using GPU-Z. If you are running this rez or higher you absolutely need 2GB on the card otherwise it will be blurries for you all day long.

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Here´s the one I´ll get, I think. See video on page 6. And it´s virtually same price as the 1gig version, here at least.



This card is also beautiful.  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125333

Runs cool and quiet.

Have fun!


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Gainward GTX 460 Golden Sample 2 GB has been ordered  8) I know it´s not up there with the 480, but I expect a lot from the memory surplus. And I can still overclock it. I also asked around on Avsim, but noone seems to have this particular card combined with TH2G, so I might be a pioneer here  8) So, I´m sticking my neck out for all you other budget-guys out there ;D Wish me luck. It should arrive Wed. or Fri.

And I may already have a buyer for the old 285 with Arctic Cooling tri-fan, will be a bit sad to let that one go, we´ve been through a lot together (sentimental over an old GPU ::)).


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Gainward GTX 460 Golden Sample 2 GB has been ordered  8) I know it´s not up there with the 480, but I expect a lot from the memory surplus. And I can still overclock it. I also asked around on Avsim, but noone seems to have this particular card combined with TH2G, so I might be a pioneer here  8) So, I´m sticking my neck out for all you other budget-guys out there ;D Wish me luck. It should arrive Wed. or Fri.

And I may already have a buyer for the old 285 with Arctic Cooling tri-fan, will be a bit sad to let that one go, we´ve been through a lot together (sentimental over an old GPU ::)).


You can't stop a loving heart....... ::)

Here is a review on one of the 460...


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Nice review, impressive OC! I´m pleased to see that there is a double fan for short-board 460´s out there, but how to get a hold of one???  I´ll have to wait for someone to fry an Axle edition, and get it for cheap I guess ;D . If I´m lucky I Arctic Cooling will make one ::).


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