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Tassie Bonanza

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

After seeing the awesome new HD paint job for the Carenado Bonanza by Butch, I just had to have it!  So here's a set of the newest addition to my hangar with Butch's Blue/Silver AU colour scheme.  Starting with a new plane, I thought I'd visit some new territory.  So, I picked up the Bonanza at Launceston for a trip down to Hobart.  Why on Earth I've not flown around here yet I don't know... I never realised just what a stunning job has been done by the orbx team down here.  Tassie may very well be the jewel in Australia's flying crown, I can see why it's released as the demo for region AU.  The flight was undertaken in the early hours of a cold and blustery August morning, lots of cloud and a stiff breeze, but little rain.  Sit back and enjoy the flight!

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Waiting for traffic to clear on runway 32L, Launceston Tasmania.  Bit of IFR traffic this morning, but the scenery makes the wait easy  :)

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Finally my turn - heading out on runway heading with a low cloudbase at about 1500'  You can just see the snow on the hilltops.

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Making a big wide turn to the west and onto my track down to Hobart.  I thought I'd follow the hills down for a while and take in the nice snowcapped hills for a bit of a change to my regular flying areas - desert regions of Northern Australia.

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The bump mapping and specular highlights on this plane are gorgeous.  This shot and the last one show off the textures nicely, I couldn't decide which was better so I put both in  ;D

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Crossing some nice farmland, clouds are rising a bit now.  Might nip down below cloudbase and follow the rest of of my track at 3000'

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Ahh, clear air below and ahead all the way to Hobart.

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Oooh, look... cars!  Following the road for a bit.

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And here's Hobart!  Time to get down, it looks like some bad weather coming in over the bay.

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Yep, those clouds are lowering and getting a mite dark.

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The helpful lady in the tower has given me clearance to land immediately after entering right traffic for runway 30.  Better lose some altitude.

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Just about to touch down, quite a strong crosswind down here.

I am now officially in love with both this plane and this state.  I'm going to be doing a whole lot of flying around Tassie in the near future!  Hope you enjoyed.



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Tas multiplayer anyone? Teecee.

Hi Teecee,

Burnie will be released shortly, Smithton and King Island already there, Ben Lomond and mt Roland alsoin the bag. Devonport is on the radar as well. also plenty of smaller strips, would love a club flight around tassie, see the OZX flying club posts, its Snowy mts this week but were due for a Tasflight soon



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Great shots Derek, glad you the paints mate. :)

When you guys are done with Tassie you should give the RFDS strips in the outback go. Terrain like you've never seen before, time if for dawn or dusk and you'll be a believer. :)

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