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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WOW!!!!!................when?

O ya are we going to get Performance charts with her, like a POH with actual figures so I can plan a "real" flight?


Sure will, the packed file will include a full POH that is custom written but based on the RW published POH plus a comprehensive user manual that describes the function of every gauge and system in the aircraft.
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:o speachless  :o

ORBX planes! Did you create flight dinamics for this baby? or are you working over some sort of FSX default Flight Dinamics?

Sorry if the question is confusing...

The Lancair's flight dynamics have been custom coded by Alexander M. Metzger (formerly of Digital Aviation); they are world-class FDX, that's for sure. We have two real-world aircraft and pilots of the IV-P who are working with Alex on the FDX.

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John Venema wrote

coded by Alexander M. Metzger (formerly of Digital Aviation)

Whoah!! Digital aviation! in some way related to the makers of Dornier Do 27 maybe?

Im reading good reviews about this plane.....in fact Im about to bought it!

Can´t wait

Ovbiously Im going to buy The Lancair for sure...no doubt!

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Whoah!! Digital aviation! in some way related to the makers of Dornier Do 27 maybe?

Alexander has done many payware FDE's - perhaps you remember his work from the Dreamfleet Baron for FS9?  He's also done the default FSX aircraft which you can find at his site:


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Wow! nice plane,,,I've never did buy a plane from Orbx but I think I will this time......... ;D

OK question here......will this plane have cockpit shadow....if not will it be something you can add (as a patch or else) in the future?

I am asking because I did a lot of flying in DX10 and to me the most immersive aspect of DX10 is cockpit shadow in a sunny day and if we can fly your plane in DX9 and DX10 with cockpit shadow you will sell a lot of them inclucing the upcoming one.

Thank you.

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Unfortunatley no, Cockpit shadowing comes at a performance hit because all the geometry has do be "closed out" for it to work. Meaning that each part had to be a closed box not a single plane. In order to do this on a highly detailed aircraft with all knobs, switches, gauges ect... the polygon count would be huge and the performance would tank.

We decided early on that this, admitedly, beautifull feature was not worth the performance cost.

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Unfortunatley no, Cockpit shadowing comes at a performance hit because all the geometry has do be "closed out" for it to work. Meaning that each part had to be a closed box not a single plane. In order to do this on a highly detailed aircraft with all knobs, switches, gauges ect... the polygon count would be huge and the performance would tank.

We decided early on that this, admitedly, beautifull feature was not worth the performance cost.

Can't you not have a switch on/off in a control panel (like other scenery) so we simmers with a high end computer can decide if this is worth the performance cost.
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Well it's also a matter of development time cost. To go back and redo so much of the geometry would push the release date further back.


Also it would require developing two seperate versions simultaniously after the initial release. Meaning that updates would be slower and more costly to develop.


We are trying to make the perfect balance between performance and visuals. We had to make a decision which were the most sensible options to include and The Dx10 shadows didn't make the list.

Besides, the DX10 cockpit shadow code is crap. You can have 32xAA active on the aircraft models but the cockpit shadows are unaliased and completely jagged. That kills realism IMHO.

Anyway, the question is answered ;)

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I took a bit from the items Of the Dornier Do27 marketing/propaganda

Engine starter can get overheated and damaged.

Cowl Flap produces drag according to its setting.

Engine cooling is influenced by angle of attack and propeller revolutions.

Engine fires can occur.

Fire extinguisher can get exhausted.

Oil leaks can occur.

Realistic oil consumption.

Engine treatment influences oil consumption.

Engine and gear can get damaged by:

High RPM


Fast RPM changes

Low Manifold pressure

Long engine starts

Low oil level


High temperatures

Low RPM during descent

Negative Propeller Thrust

If Engine gets worn it looses power.

Propeller can get damaged

Warm weather can cause air bubbles in the fuel system, making the engine stutter. The fuel pump solves this problem.

Cold engine can go out.

Real engine start up procedure, with starter circuit breaker, priming and mixture lever in cut off position.

It´s a little bit earlier to give us some info like this if possible?


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Very nice looking. I'm unfamiliar with the a/c. Looks sleek. What is the cruise speed?

It does look somewhat faster than the A2A Cub -- GD&R

Seriously. When I want to cruise faster than the Cub I hop on the SIA-Marchetti SF-260. Will this be faster than that?

I will probably be going for it then.

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It´s a little bit earlier to give us some info like this if possible?


Sure no problem. Attached is a work-in-progress internal document for beta testers, which I will share with you. I think we've mentioned that the flight dynamics for the Lancair are being done by Alexander Metzger (ex DA) and his work is astonishing, based on real pilot/owner feedback and the testers. This is one bird you are going to have to "work" to keep in the air, and it will be a simmer's dream if you love systems and keeping focus in the cockpit.

Anyway, the document below will give you a greater insight into the bird. We'll have the largest documentation set yet, for any Orbx product, including our custom-authored POH and other supporting documents.


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Very nice looking. I'm unfamiliar with the a/c. Looks sleek. What is the cruise speed?

It does look somewhat faster than the A2A Cub -- GD&R

Seriously. When I want to cruise faster than the Cub I hop on the SIA-Marchetti SF-260. Will this be faster than that?

I will probably be going for it then.

Oh yeah, this baby is F-A-S-T. It's a fully pressurized GA craft that can cruise in the FL's. Something very special indeed :)

You will need all of the min 2200 FT to land and takeoff in this sleek aircraft. Definitely not a bush flyer's aircraft then ;)

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This is one bird you are going to have to "work" to keep in the air, and it will be a simmer's dream if you love systems

Love that sentence!

Thanks John! we got valuable info and good reading in this attached PDF

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Very nice looking. I'm unfamiliar with the a/c. Looks sleek. What is the cruise speed?

It does look somewhat faster than the A2A Cub -- GD&R

It true's out just under 300kt in fast cruise. It's not uncommon to see groundspeeds of well over 300kt with a little tailwind right up in the flight levels.

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Guest J van E

It true's out just under 300kt in fast cruise. It's not uncommon to see groundspeeds of well over 300kt with a little tailwind right up in the flight levels.

Well, in that case I am glad NA Blue NR and PF are being released this year too, otherwise I'd be out of PNW and above default scenery in no time... and I don't want that! ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

Great work so far, just a couple of questions:

1. Will she have full stall and spin characteristics?

2.Will the ELT/ hobbs meter on the co-pilots side be modeled in 3-d? It looks so out of place there, in 2-d (i'm not asking for the ELT to be functional, all I am asking for is could the ELT and hobbs be done in 3-d)

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Very nice looking. I'm unfamiliar with the a/c. Looks sleek. What is the cruise speed?

It does look somewhat faster than the A2A Cub -- GD&R

Seriously. When I want to cruise faster than the Cub I hop on the SIA-Marchetti SF-260. Will this be faster than that?

I will probably be going for it then.

A little...  :D. I just flew a new record for single engine piston GA aircraft from Orcas to Darrington  ;D (reaching 300 kts ground speed at 8.000 ft).

You can fly sightseeing relaxed at 120 kts, no problem - but if you decide to go somewhere fast... you can. The performance of this aircraft is outstanding.

It is on the very top of my favorite aircraft list even in its beta stage. And i don't say that only because it's an Orbx product. It is very FPS friendly with an excellent model and flight characteristics. The whole team is very excited.

You'll see for yourself soon...  ;)

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Christmast release, perhaps?  ;D

One thing i am wondering, are we going to get US registered liveries with this? Looking at airliners.net there is quite a few planes in USA register, so i was wondering are you doing any liveries for NA flying? :) 

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