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A Quote from NZFS


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"This has been discussed here before. The problem with 'other' scenery is the way in which Orbx activates theirs. It supplies little facilities files for a lot of airports, so that when you 'voz' there's no provision to choose which airports will be reactivated. Australian developers were suddenly getting support queries asking why their airports were messed up, and the user expected them to supply a solution to let them use both Orbx and other scenery.

I would hope that Orbx wouldn't do things the same way here. It doesn't really seem right to me".

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I am actually not too sure why there is venom in some of the posts I have read on NZFF about what Orbx is doing for New Zealand, the poll we did indicated that people wanted it so we are doing it but now that I see half the comments in a particular thread over at NZFF and in other places, I think to myself, why do we even bother, seriously. Looks like one can never please everyone ...

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"I am actually not too sure why there is venom in some of the posts"

Not sure that I would call it venom- a point of view that doesn't blow kisses to ORBX, to be sure  ;D  but  I don't think there is any venom.  Those who like the ORBX stuff will buy it, those who don't, won't.  ;)  I'm interested in the ORBX, but will get VLC first, and once the ORBX stuff releases (I'm interested in North Island primarily), I'll see how things compare - detail, costs, compatibility with existing stuff etc.  If I understand things correctly, there is some concern that those using ORBX might have some issues in some cases with existing add-ons, and no one seems to have been able to categorically say "yea or nae" on how that will pan out: which is probably not surprising, as the stuff hasn't released yet, so there's an amount of speculation going on.

All that being said, there's room for everyone at this party...  ;D

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"I am actually not too sure why there is venom in some of the posts"

Not sure that I would call it venom- a point of view that doesn't blow kisses to ORBX, to be sure  ;D  but  I don't think there is any venom.  Those who like the ORBX stuff will buy it, those who don't, won't.  ;)  I'm interested in the ORBX, but will get VLC first, and once the ORBX stuff releases (I'm interested in North Island primarily), I'll see how things compare - detail, costs, compatibility with existing stuff etc.  If I understand things correctly, there is some concern that those using ORBX might have some issues in some cases with existing add-ons, and no one seems to have been able to categorically say "yea or nae" on how that will pan out: which is probably not surprising, as the stuff hasn't released yet, so there's an amount of speculation going on.

All that being said, there's room for everyone at this party...  ;D

Well said. There may actually be some negative comments on NZFF by individual members, but as an administrator I know that we try to be fair, and the forum rules are strictly enforced. As a publishing partner of Vector Land Class, however, I'm picky about misinformation, so I tend to speak up if I think that this is happening.

Having Orbx announce that they are planning what really amounts to a competing project is a new thing for us -- most NZ simmers have never had to make a choice before, so this will be an interesting time.

I am well aware that Orbx have a huge following, what they have done is what FSX users have been missing all along, but that doesn't mean that they are the only choice. There are a lot of reasons why I've ended up in the position where I may be in competition with Orbx in a year, a lot of them are the same as the answer to Jay's question -- "why do we bother". Because it's fun, we all love simming, and I'd much rather do this than anything else.

One of the things which happens with online communities is what someone recently summed up as "Anything less than 500% OTT fantastic is flagged as negative." Expecting even 100% from everyone, just because "the poll we did indicated that people wanted it" isn't really practical. I love what Orbx have done, but there are some things which I'd do differently, so that's what I'm planning.

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Guest Saski17

eNow you really wont, I think orbx already messed this up, just let the New Zealanders do it, your made for australia, and one other thing i do not like how you have to pay $25 for some small strip its just stupid. Jack you stirred up this mess, dont think you should have came to NZFF can't even spell it right.

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NZ South Island is a long way from being released, probably sometime in 2011. I see we have some brand new forum members register today to express their point of view from their side of the Tasman. Perhaps if everyone just relaxes a little and not get too worked up about this.

We make little secret of the fact that for an existing airport which was released before an FTX region, there will be no seamless integration with our landclass textures. That is just logical, since FTX textures differ substantially to default, and any airport using a photoreal base will need to colour match their ground imagery to suit ours.

We create our regions first, as the "base" for which Orbx and OZx create freeware and payware airports to sit on top. If you think that we're going to create FTX NZ so all current airports already available will magically blend into our terrain, then I'm afraid there is a lack of understanding about our design and backward compatibility (i.e. there is none).

I also need to clarify the '1000 airfields' we mention in the South Island. All we are doing is correcting the position, elevation and buildings of the default FSX airfields, similar to what we did for PNW. These will be very basic enhancements, and certainly without photoreal base imagery or custom models. In fact we have not yet committed to doing all 1,000 airfields since only one person us doing them and will focus on the largest to the smallest.

So take a deep breath, relax, and keep the speculation at bay until our NZ products firm up some more.

As for tit-for-tat posts and clarification across multiple forums, I suggest we keep questions about Orbx FTX to these forums where they can be answered by us - not post questions on other forums where they are subjected to answers by people not involved with our development team.

Finally, I applaud the VLC team and their upcoming product; I am sure it will be well received and they will attract their own customer base. Since the technologies are mutually exclusive it will down to the customers to decide what works best for them. We should welcome and embrace more new developers to the FSX community, because goodness know we need more of them to keep everyone enjoying their favourite hobby for many years to come :)

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Guest Saski17

I don't give a stuff about getting banned i only signed up to post about this topic.

[MOD EDIT:  Your Avatar has been reset to something less inflammatory, Nicholas.  Thanks for visiting.  Ian]

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Greetings from across the ditch :)

Firstly, thanks John- The respect is mutual I can assure you.

My belief is that, regardless of what different developers are doing, the end consumer is the one who benefits. New Zealand is a beautiful country and one that I'm very passionate about (that passion is clearly replicated in some of our community members' posts! ;D) I think as developers, flight-sim presents an opportunity to share the beauty of ones surroundings with a larger audience and in a fairly unique way (i.e. not everyone gets the opportunity to buzz around Mount Cook in real life!). The better we can do this, the more people we expose our country to and indeed, the more people we get interested in simming in general.

So a tip of the cap to the community here and we hope to see you over our way soon, regardless of if you choose VectorLandClass or Orbx

Exciting times indeed for Flight Simulation in New Zealand.

Tim (VectorLandClass)

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I don't give a stuff about getting banned i only signed up to post about this topic.

Good then, banned you shall be.

If you think that registering on our forums simply for the purpose of stirring up trouble is acceptable, the I'm afraid you're not welcome here, nor will others of your ilk. Our forum terms of use are clear, and things remain civil here because we enforce them.

The question has been answered and any further discussion isn't required, so respectfully I will lock this topic before we attract more brand new user accounts created solely for the purpose of demonstrating their niaivity and immaturity.

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