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ybbn gate

capt sl

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this is just a trivial query(hope im in the right forum) in relation to the parking spot 75 at the international terminal and the way its presented with YBBN with parking allocated to spots 75A & 75B but not 75( jetway also not functional) and also how its for small jets size  . however i believe that Emirates uses this gate

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Emirates dont have exclusive use, Pacific Blue has been using these gates for a long long time. It is now a very common layout across many airports now with the advent of A380 gates. But as developers we cant keep updating the parking to reflect real world operations. Airports change far too often

YMML now has 5 A380 gates with dual jetways, and each of those gates can be configured to take two 737/A320s

But if you park your aircraft fo 75 one of the jetways should onnect to your aircraft.

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thanks for replying  Martin

i wasnt suggesting that emirates only uses gate 75  , just indicating that they were also using 75 ( only cause i heard it when listening to the atc feed on the web for ybbn). but because the gates 75 wasnt linked in the AFX  and only 1 jetway is functional (middle one) . only quering as im not aware of how ybbn operates in terms of their parking spots

anyhow ive used ADE to link 75 so its used but i guess only the 1 jetway works

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With FSX we are limited to only one animated jetway per gate. So double or tripple headed gates will only ever have one animated jetway in the sim, the other jetway(s) on that gate have to be static scenery. This is a limitation within FSX.


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Where a particular area of apron is configured for one large aircraft or two or more smaller ones, only one or the other will be used in real life at any one time, however FSX cannot cope with this arrangement. If you have Gates 75, 75A and 75B all active FSX will assume all are separate parking positions and could use them all at once. The sight of a large A380 or B747 squashing a couple of smaller B737's would be unacceptable so in these instances, it is better to provide a compromise to suit the particular airport needs. For the end gates at the YBBN International terminal there was a greater need for more smaller positions rather than fewer large ones. You will find a similar approach taken at a few of the gates at YBBN and also YMML.

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