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Flying over the Rockies

John York

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I have family and friends who live in Penticton and Lethbridge (outside the PNW area) and I want to fly over the rockies to say, Vancover.

For the best views I know I should switch FTX Central for North America on but what happens, if anything, to the views before I get to the boundary line?


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Nothing really, FTX will just fade out at the region border, and the default terrain will emerge, if you leave FTXcentral set to [North America] you will still have PNW trees and houses... but on the default ground textures

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Hi John,

Not much really, best test is to load up FSX at an airport thats outside of the PNW coverage, and switch between [North America] and [Default] and see for yourself

I run Scenerytech LC outside of the PNW area and I rarely turn FTX off :)

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Yes, its much as I thought then.  The trouble I found when trying to compare was that FTX Central wouldn't let me change while actually flying or on the ground so by the time I made the change I'd forgotten what I was looking at if you see what I mean! :-[::);D

Anyway.  Thanks Tim.  I think between us we've probably killed this topic! ;);D


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