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ATC procedure question


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I tend to use FShud for my ATC coverage both in MSFS and p3dv5, I would like know about how clearance and departure works in the real world...


I get given clearance, say something like - runway 24, cleared to FL210...


Now looking at the departure it may initially give constraints of 6000ft until a specific point, then a heading change and a maximum altitude of 10000ft... then we follow the flight plan and climb..


So my question is when initially given the clearance does that assume I will follow the constraints or are they actually clearing me to climb straight up and ignore the constraints...


Same on arrival, descend to FL100, there's a constraint on the star at a particular point to not go below FL130....do I still follow the arrival procedure?


Just trying to understand how this works in reality... maybe ATC only clears you to the level of the constraints...


I hope this makes sense...

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Medium size and larger airports generally have SID departures and STARS arrivals.  When Clearance gives departure instructions it may be something like "climb via the SID except maintain 4000 ft.  Expect [next altitude] after 10 minutes.". If so, proceed as directed. If told just to clim via the SID follow the published proceedure.  If told to climb to a specific altitude by ATC, I believe that overwrites anything else.  For procedure charts go.to.Navigraph Charts or SkyVector.  PilotEdge has a great IFR course I recommend.  At least look at their website and read the course lessons.


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thank you Ken for the reply, I have Navigraph subs and fly with charts on a table next to my screen, I will when I get time go and take a look at Pilot edge and see if I can understand it fully...

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PilotEdge has good.video tutorials too.


I looked at a video about FShud.  Interesting.  The pilot referee to the SID, but sound and visuals were not good enough for me to follow just what he was doing, by he was given a lower initial altitude than the SID.  Also he was flying in an area I'm not familiar with.


I almost always fly VFR, but since the weather is not great on the west coast today, I may file IFR for my planned flight from San Diego to Catalina. I really should do more instrument work.




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On 9/18/2024 at 4:28 PM, wain71 said:

I have Navigraph subs and fly with charts on a table next to my screen

meant to say Tablet, not table....


I will take a look at the weekend, been to busy this week...

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