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Addon Scenery Can No Longer be Outside of FSX Folder

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I did not know where else to pose this question. I recently installed my first Orbx sceneries into FSX-SE and they are looking great. 

However, if I try to add any non-Orbx scenery, which I have placed on the same drive asd FSX, but not within the FSX folder, I get an error message that it is not found, even though I am pointing the Scenery Library to it. 

I seems to me that something happened when I installed Orbx, which has to be installed inside the main sim folder, that makes it now required to also put all my new addons in that main folder, instead of elsewhere on that drive.

My older sceneries that were there before Orbx, seem to be fine.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. It is not the end of the world as everything still works, but I would like to store all my addons outside of the sim folder.

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any addon scenery can be added to FSX from any location on the same PC
by adding the path to the addon's scenery folder to the in-game library.
Could the path(s) have been changed?

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