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WA69 and 2S1 causing "out of memory"

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Any one else unable to use this great freeware because of this? Teecee.

I haven't purchased 3W5 yet (so I don't have WA69), but I routinely get crashes around 2S1 (v1.1), usually after 15-30 minutes of flying.  The first few times, I believe I received a OOM error, but the last time, FSX just hung with the sound still going.  Never had a problem flying around the payware Darrington.

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I had it once going into Darrington from a close airport??...........I just thought it was cause I had the sliders set to high on this new computer...............B42L8

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Any one else unable to use this great freeware because of this? Teecee.

I haven't purchased 3W5 yet (so I don't have WA69), but I routinely get crashes around 2S1 (v1.1), usually after 15-30 minutes of flying.  The first few times, I believe I received a OOM error, but the last time, FSX just hung with the sound still going.  Never had a problem flying around the payware Darrington.

WA69 does not come with 3W5 - it's part of the Vashon 2S1 freeware.

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WA69 does not come with 3W5 - it's part of the Vashon 2S1 freeware.

Oh right, I forgot about Wax Orchards and just assumed that WA69 was the code for Israel's Farm.  I should have looked in the Concrete banner ad above :)

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Thanks, but I get this on WinXP, it doesn't recognize the bcdedit command.

This happens when FSX run out of user space memory,

Source info : http://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki/index.php?title=OOM_Error

solution for XP users

In your boot.ini file, if you have added the /3GB switch already:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /3GB

To "fine tune" the actual amount of VAS allocated, you need only add another switch to the end of the entire entry:


or whatever size you wish, keeping in mind the 1MB contiguous limit of FSX. In such a case, using any number that isn't a multiple of 512MB simply doesn't make much sense...

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