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Bird Dog, Concrete to Chilliwack and Hope, inside the canyons


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To try my new Bird Dog v1.2 I planned a new route I had never done. It is always fun to fly low down in the canyons. The idea is to fly at no more than 500ft or so and weel inside the canyon walls.

For this trip I took the Bird Dog I had left at Darrington from my previous message (I always start a new flight from the last one, which I save as _Last_  then sometimes change planes and continue. Flew to Concrete (3W5) where I switched to a Bird Dog 1F (Navy livery - different cockpit) .

Leaving Darrington

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Refueled and planned a flight to Chilliwack, BC and Hope, BC as follows. The return trip (I stopped at Hope) is also marked for next flight:

Map is zoomed out to fit all in. Easy to use by zooming in on portions you need.

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Start at Concrete - 3W5

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On the way to Chilliwack

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It was a fun flight. The Bird Dog did not disappoint. It has little if any nav help but with the map on hand (Plan-G) it was fairly easy to get to the waypoints and not to miss the turns. Didn't get lost once.

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Should have went another 10 west to CYPK pitt meadows and had a beer with me!! ;) Great shots!

I used to fly FSX around there a lot in the days of Vancouver+, way before NA Blue. Haven't returned in a while to the Chilliwack/Hope area (always flew North from Hope in those days), so I wanted to visit and see how it looks now. Will certainly be back to your area!

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Very nice pics and great flight plan.  I just installed Plan-G today and made my way from Hope to Chilliwack too, and eventually landed at Nanimo. I was in Nanimo last June after the ferry ride from Vancouver.  Plan-G is amazing and had no impact on my frames.  I tried a program called GMap but it slowed everything down too much on my system.  O, btw, just bought the Bird Dog and used it for this flight.  What a great little aircraft!  Thanks for the screens and descriptions of it.

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