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Volanta issue while manually importing data


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Hi, I've just started using Volanta and wanted to manually import data from my flight into the program. I downloaded a .csv template and edited it in Notepad++ following the instructions provided by Volanta. However, when I tried to import the edited file, I encountered an error message saying "Unknown column name: EPWR" (EPWR is the ICAO airport code for the departure airport of my flight). I thought the issue might be related to the waypoints of the flight, but even when I selected a template without those data, the problem persisted. It occurred even when I entered EPWA as the starting airport, which is provided as an example in the template. These are the data that I tried to import in the .CSV file. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


EPWR,EPWA,2023-07-08 22:23,44,ENT,B738,SP-ESH,EPWR/11 N0416F270 LUNU1A LUNUK DCT OKENO DCT AGAVA AGAV5U EPWA/33,2023-07-08 23:07,219

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