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The C-130 at Israel's Farm

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I suppose pretty much no strip is too small for the Hercules. What an aircraft!

Parked at Concrete. The runway here is almost luxuriously big compared to Israel's Farm.

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Taxiing to runway 7

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Take Off with reduced fuel load (20%).

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Flying to WA56.

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Fly over and preparation for the difficult landing.

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Turning. The long, white chicken farm buildings are a good reference point to find the airstrip.

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On Final.

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Touchdown. A little hard but the landing gear of the C-130 is designed for this kind of abuse.

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Stopping with quite a bit of room to spare.

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The really interesting part will be trying to take off again! ;D

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Thanks, guys!

wish I could fly something that big

It's not that hard. You just have to allow for the long, wide turns, is all.

I bet the Owner of the farm strip pooped his pants seeing that coming in to land  ;D ;D ;D

Forget about the owner! I almost pooped my pants seeing that little airstrip coming closer and closer at 120 knots! ;D

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Nutter! hehe. Good to see you gave it a try and managed it without too much drama.  ;)

Just been doing some TNG in the A2A Cub, was having enough trouble with that, but then realised I had a 15 knot cross wind lol.  :D

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Hey Patrick , Im not sure why but all your recent posts do not show properly . What I get is the image host address but I have a slow d/l and it it takes just too long to read all the post . Caught a couple though and it seems you might have had a nail biting time - nothing ventured nothing gained. I bet the airfield will be inundated with C 130's now      8)

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You might want to add some flaps for takeoff.  Looks like the 3W5 takeoff was with flaps full up.

Yeah, that was on purpose. I knew that the Hercules can take off without flaps fine, even though 50% flaps are recommended for take off, but I was concerned about building enough airspeed and wanted to have as little drag as possible. The idea was to lower the flaps during take off roll if needed, but it turned out that I could build enough speed in time to take off without them.

Im not sure why but all your recent posts do not show properly . What I get is the image host address

That's odd. Is your ISP blocking Imageshack for some reason? Does anyone else have that problem?

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Why Smurf?  Was a monkey flying, or is there something we don't know?

Bananas meaning....... crazy, off tap, wickid, you know? slang, as in totally awesome off tap wickid bananas!  :D

Or, very pleasurable screen shots to view  ;D

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Hi Warpspider:

Have a go yourself at landing at Israel's.  Go ahead, try it.

The beauty of flight simulation is that if you crash, just press reset and do it again and again.  Enjoy the sim;  because it is so good we sometimes treat it as real.

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