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True Earth - Orbx England South installed for XP 12 what can I expect to see

Tony Wardle

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I have installed Orbx England South and am running X-Plane 12 (I followed the instructions provided to installl ) however it does not display in My Products in Orbx Central (shoing X-Plane 12 as sim, it does if i change to X-Plane 11).


When i run up a flight in the south of England, Farnborough or Blackbush, what can I epxect to see that is different now this is installed ?




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Thanks Nick,

However I do not have X-Plane 11 installed so I do not know what X Plane 11 Orbx Direct product images look like, or is there a link to something. I have seen chats on this forum with some screen shots that look like i was expecting but I am not seeing any improvement in south of England scenery and definitely no photo / realist images.


Do you have a suggested path forward? Is it worth moving the 5 Orbx folder that downloaded into the X-Plane 12 Custom Scenery folder rather than having a short cut to the folder they are in under C/User/AppData/Local/Games/Saved Games...... Is that the correct folder?


Is worth uninstalling and re-installing into the Sim directly?




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there are 37 images on the Orbx Direct product page: TrueEarth Great Britain South - X-Plane 11 - Orbx (orbxdirect.com)

Orbx Central will either install the product directly into the X Plane 12 Custom Scenery folder, or it will install into an
Orbx Central Library and then link the files to the Custom Scenery folder.
Which option did you choose?

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Thanks Nick,

No I am not seeing any images like that, as I said there is no apparent change in the scenery.


My 4 folders are in C:\Users\games\Saved Games\xp11\TrueEarth Great Britain South\Custom Scenery and there is a shortcut link to each folder from the Custom Scenery folder.


I also have X-Organiser which shows all Custom Scenery that is loaded into X-PLane and all of the folders display.


I am wondering if i should move the folders into the X-PLane 12 / Custom Scenery folder directly?

Screenshot 2023-02-17 104640.png

Screenshot 2023-02-17 104917.png

Screenshot 2023-02-17 105129.png

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