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YMLT Launceston incorrect ground markings


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Great work on the YMLT scenery, However there is one glaring issue that really brings down the quality and attention to detail of the work. I've also submitted this through the support portal but thought I'd post here too.


The gate numbering and ground markings in front of the main terminal are incorrect. Currently, the Airliner stands in the scenery are numbered from 1-5, however in reality these stands are numbered 2-6 with stand 1 being off to the side in front of the Sharp Airlines hanger, which is unlabeled in the sim. There are also a lot of simplifications and inaccuracies of the stand markings that really detract from a 2023 product. The bones are all there but its just those final details that appear to be rushed. Along with having the wrong numbers altogether, the stands have the labeling in the wrong location, the number is painted on the ground at the start of the turn-ins on the taxiway and again past the stop bars towards the terminal. In the sim there is just one marking halfway along the stand lines. Also as mentioned previously the stand in front of the Sharp hanger is missing all labeling altogether and also the MAX 8000kg label. There are also red dashed equipment clearance lines missing from the top of the main apron near the terminal. All these details can be seen in this googlemaps view https://www.google.com/maps/@-41.541922,147.2061875,108m/data=!3m1!1e3 as well as any recent YouTube videos or pictures of the apron area. I’ve attached a picture showing the state in the sim with the incorrect stand numbering and the simplified state of the ground markings in the current version.

Kind regards,


Screenshot (37).png

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I'm with you Tim.  A view of FR24 also confirms the 'yellow on black' bay numbers on the taxiway or at the start of the lead-ins, which are really needed to highlight the turns into the bays.  I love the additional work around the airport with buildings, a/c in hangars etc and sometimes do a drone walk around.  BUT I'm there to fly and taxi into bays, park and get out again and these are important as you say.  Good pick-up too re the numbering.  Surely an easy fix and I'm waiting for such detail before purchasing....

also agree----excellent scenery addition though.

Edited by Transair
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